Subject: Local Media Monitoring - May 30,
From UNMISET May 30, 2003 LOCAL MEDIA MONITORING LOCAL MEDIA STL 1. Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri said that the United Nations is obliged to set up an International Tribunal for crimes against humanity, not the Government nor the people of Timor-Leste. According to Mr Alkatiri the international community and the United Nations must do something to deliver justice to those responsible for gross human right abuses committed during 24 years of Indonesian rule. Mr Alkatiri said that if the Government or the people of Timor-Leste take action, it might create a negative impact on bilateral relations between Timor-Leste and Indonesia. The Prime Minister told the press this after the meeting with President Xanana Gusmao, yesterday at Palacio das Cinzas. 2. The first Ambassador to Australia, Mr Jorge da Conceicao Teme, gave his credentials to the Australian Governor General, Sir Gai Clin, yesterday in Canberra. Interviewed by phone, Mr Teme explained that he spent 20 minutes of formal discussions with the Governor General. The Governor General reiterated Australia's assistance to Timor-Leste in various sectors, including the education sector. 3. The Attorney General, Mr Longuinhos Monteiro told the press that the Atabae incident was organized by a certain group within the country. According to Mr Monteiro his conclusion was based on interrogations carried out by his office on six suspects detained in Atambua. Mr Monteiro also said that his office will continue to investigate the involvement of the "certain groups" mentioned by the suspects. (The Atabae incident occurred on February 24, 2003 in the Sub-District of Atabae. One bus passenger and a dump truck were assaulted by an armed gang. The incident caused several injuries and deaths). 4. President Xanana Gusmao delivered a speech on the occasion of the Day of International Peacekeepers yesterday at Palacio das Cinzas. President Xanana said that last September, Timor-Leste became the 191st member of the United Nations and took its place at the General Assembly. He said with this membership comes heavy responsibilities including the right to vote on important issues affecting the world today. He said even though Timor-Leste is a tiny nation and as yet is still the youngest member of the United Nations family, its is already in a small and humble way making a contribution to peacekeeping missions elsewhere, such as in the Congo. President Xanana hopes that one day Timor-Leste will contribute more fully to ensure that peace is secured not only in our region, but throughout the world. TIMOR POST 1. The UN Police Commander, Mr Peter Miller, yesterday finshed his role in Timor-Leste. The Timor-Leste National Police Commander, Mr Paulo de Fatima Martins, in his farewell speech said that Mr Miller had given a great contribution in his 18 months mission to the development of the Timor-Leste's Police institution. 2. President Xanana Gusmao spoke during the occasion of the Day of International Peacekeepers yesterday at Palacio das Cinzas saying that Timor-Leste join with the rest of the world to pay tribute to all UN Peacekeepers for their service in the protection and promotion of peace. He said Timor-Leste had had the privilege of being assisted by peacekeeping missions. 3. Timor Post also covered the same story as described in STL about Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri's comments on the set up of an International Tribunal to try the 1999 crimes against humanity in Timor-Leste. 4. In a badly translated piece the Timor Post reported Kofi Annan's speech on the occasion of the Day of International Peacekeepers as saying that the International Peacekeeping mission "delivers time" and "means to end a conflict because it gives peace chance". Back to May
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