Subject: Timornewsline: 23 November 2009


Majority of women around the word will be affected by climate change: UNFPA

Radio Televisaun Timor Leste , 23 November 2009- Summary by <>Alberico Junior According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)’s report launched on Thursday (19/11) that majority of women around the world are affected by climate change.

Children yet to get access to good health and education: Horta

Radio Televisaun Timor Leste , 23 November 2009- Summary by <>Alberico Junior President Jose Ramos Horta said children in Timor-Leste have not got access to good health and education. Therefore, the Government needs to allocate more budgets to the field of health and education.

Govt gets support from IMF: Pires

Radio Televisaun Timor Leste , 23 November 2009- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Minister for Planning and Finance, Emilia Pires said the Government had no proper policy yet to strengthen macro economic system of the country, but the Government was continually supported by the International Monterey Funds (IMF).

PM Gusmão has good will to serve Timorese people

Diario Nacional , 23 November 2009- Summary by <>Alberico Junior President Jose Ramos Horta said Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão had good will to serve the country’s people, due to he was well-reorganized.

Commitment is needed to support Timorese children: Horta

Diario Nacional , 23 November 2009- Summary by <>Alberico Junior President Jose Ramos Horta has called for the Government and the Parliament to have a new commitment to help support all children in Timor-Leste, as they are the country’s future.

We do not need to provoke one another: Gusmão

Diario Nacional , 23 November 2009- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão has called for all the Timorese politicians not to provoke one another in the process of the country’s development.

Luta Hamutuk urges PM Gusmão to control ministries

Diario Nacional , 23 November 2009- Summary by <>Alberico Junior General Manager for Luta Hamutuk [a national NGO], Joaozito Viana has urged Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão to control some of the ministries, due to they are incapable of executing the country’s general state budget for 2009.

Carrascalão holds inspection into roads’ projects in Kintal-boot and Manleuana

Timor Post , 23 November 2009- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Deputy Prime Minister for Management and Public Administration, Mario Viegas Carrascalão has held an urgent inspection into the referendum package project for road reparation in Kintal-boot and Manleuana of Dili district on Saturday 21/11.

Brigadier Ruak: “Generation in the F-FDTL institution should be replaced”

Timor Post , 23 November 2009- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) Commander, Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak said the old generation of Falintil in the F-FDTL institution should be replaced by the new generation in order to better develop and give a new spirit to the F-FDTL.

UNICEF hands over report on the children’s life to President Horta

Timor Post , 23 November 2009- Summary by <>Alberico Junior UNICEF Representative in Timor-Leste, Jun Kukita has officially handed over their special edition of report on the children’s health world wide to President Jose Ramos Horta and the Commissary for the children’s right, Adalgisa Ximenes.

Corruption case in Ministry of Education is now in court

Timor Post , 23 November 2009- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Minister of Education, João Cançio Freitas said allegation of corruption appeared within his Ministry was now in the court to be processed legally.

CNE holds an International seminar about ELK

Timor Post , 23 November 2009- Summary by <> Alberico Junior President for the National Commission for Election, Faustino Cardoso said they had officially opened an International seminar discussing about election system which was adopted by all countries in the world.

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