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Media Release

Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET)

HAK Association building Avenida Gov. Serpa Rosa, Farol, Dili, Timor-Leste

Tetum follows below

Independent Election Observers Prepare to Monitor Timor-Leste's Presidential Run-off

Contact: Dili: Jill Sternberg or Catharina Maria
 +670-331-3324 or +670-734-2535 or +670-734-2397 email:

International: John M. Miller, +1-718-596-7668; +1-917-690-4391;

For Immediate Release:
On Wednesday, May 9, the Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET) will dispatch nearly two dozen nonpartisan observers to polling stations throughout Timor-Leste to monitor the presidential run-off election.

One month after the first round of the presidential elections, Timor-Leste's voters will go to the polls to choose their next President in a run-off election. SOMET's accredited observers plan to monitor the voting and tabulation in the districts of Ainaro, Baucau, Dili, Ermera, Lautem, Liquica, Manatuto, and Viqueque

Dili tabulation center, May 9. Photo by Charles Scheiner.  

SOMET monitored and reported on the first round of the Presidential Elections held April 9. SOMET's report on the first round of presidential voting and other information can be found online at

SOMET is a grassroots project the U.S.-based East Timor and Indonesia Action Network, VOT (Stichting Vrij Oost Timor) in the Netherlands, Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID) and APSOC (Asia Pacific Solidarity Coalition),  both based in the Philippines,  and WFDA (World Forum for Democratization in Asia).

SOMET was formed at the invitation of civil society organizations in Timor-Leste to support an election process which is transparent, free and fair. SOMET has partnered with nonpartisan East Timorese and other international observers, reporting on the election process -- paying special attention to civic education, vote casting and counting, and reactions to the results. In Timor-Leste, SOMET cooperates with Asosiasaun HAK, Timor-Leste NGO Forum, La'o Hamutuk, FOKUPERS, Kadalak Sulimutuk Institute, and Bibi Bulak.


Conferencia da Impresa

Observador Eleisaun Nacional no Internacional Pronto atu ba Halo Monitorisasaun

Iha loron Kuarta, 9 Maio, Misaun Observador Solidaridade ba Timor-Leste (SOMET) atu haruka observador nonpartisan besik ema nain 24 ba estasaun votasaun iha Timor-Leste tomak hodi halo monitorisasaun eleisaun presidensial.

Fulan ida depois eleisaun premeiru ronda, votantes Timorense sira atu ba estasaun votasaun hodi vota sira nia presidente foun iha eleisaun segunda ronda. SOMET nia observador sira iha planu atu halo monitorisasaun ba votasaun no tabulasi iha distritu Ainaro, Baucau, Dili, Ermera, Lautem, Liquica, Manatuto, and Viqueque.

SOMET halo monitorisasaun no hasai relatorio iha Eleisaun Presidensial Premeiru iha 9 Abril. SOMET nia relatorio kona ba votasaun presidensial premeiru no informasaun seluk bele hetan online iha:

SOMET hanesan projeitu baze ida husi East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (Rede Aksaun ba Timor-Leste no Indonesia) iha Estadus Unidus, VOT (Stichting Vrij Oost Timor) iha Holanda, IID - Initiatives for International Dialogue (Inisiativu ba Dialogu Internasionál) no APSOC (Asia Pacific Solidarity Coalition/Koligasaun Solidaridade iha Asia Pasifik), rua ne’s baze iha Filipina no WFDA (World Forum for Democratization in Asia/Forum Mundial ba Demokratisasaun iha Asia).

SOMET harii hodi responde karta konvite husi organisasaun sosiadade sivil iha Timor-Leste atu fo apoiu ba prosesu eleisaun neebe la’o ho transparante, livre no justu. SOMET servisu hamutuk ho observador Timorense no internacional neebe nonpartisan, halo relatorio kona ba prosesu eleisaun – fo atensaun spesifiku ba edukasaun civica, prosesu votasaun no apuramentu, no hare reaksaun ba resultadu eleisaun. Iha Timor-Leste, SOMET servisu hamutuk ho Asosiasaun HAK, Forum ONG Timor-Leste, La’o Hamutuk, FOKUPERS, Kadalak Sulimutuk Institute, no Bibi Bulak.


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