in Tetum:
SOMET Appela atu Hapara Violencia no Instabilidade iha Timor Leste
Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor
SOMET Calls for End to Violence and
Instability in Timor-Leste
Contacts: New York: John M. Miller (ETAN),
+1-718-596-7668; +1-917-690-4391; email: etan@igc.org
Philippines: Gus Miclat (IID/APSOC), +63-82-2992574 & 75;
email: gus@iidnet.org
Netherlands: Endie van Binsbergen (VOT), +31-30-294-5599,
+31-6-2320-8594; email: eurobservers@yahoo.com
August 9 - The Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET)
is deeply worried about continued instability in Timor-Leste,
despite recent credible elections. Although media reports and past
traumas have exaggerated the implications of the limited, sporadic
violence of the last few days, we remain concerned that prolonged
unrest and allegations of government illegitimacy could undermine
Timor-Leste’s fragile democracy.
We urge people to express their views peacefully and legally,
without violence. Supporters of all sides should be free to voice
their opinions but not to impose them through violence or
intimidation. We agree with leaders from across Timor-Leste’s
political spectrum who have spoken out against violence, and we hope
they will persuade their partisans to remain calm.
Timor-Leste needs a stable government and a peaceful environment
to allow it to overcome both long-standing and short-term problems,
including those of poverty, security, unemployment, health, justice,
infrastructure, and education. Some of these and other critical
issues underlie Timor's current insecurity.
SOMET believes that the newly-elected Parliament and President
represent the will of the voters, and SOMET reiterates our praise
for Timor-Leste’s electorate and electoral officials in conducting
three largely free, fair and peaceful elections this year. We
continue to believe that legal, constitutional processes are the
only way for Timor-Leste to move from its current post-independence
adolescence to become a mature, democratic nation.
The four parties which make up the Alliance for Parliamentary
Majority include more than half of the members of Parliament. The
new Government headed by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão appears to be
the most likely to survive constitutional hurdles, providing
essential stability.
Any parties that disagree can use the process provided for in the
Constitution by introducing a parliamentary motion of no confidence.
If it passes, they will have the opportunity to form their own
Government. However, if Parliament affirms its confidence in Xanana
Gusmão’s Government, FRETILIN and other parties should accept its
legitimacy and serve as a responsible, vigorous and constructive
parliamentary opposition. A cycle of repeated Government dissolution
and creation and will only add to Timor-Leste's political
We encourage all political parties not in the Government to be
strong watchdogs, proposing and advocating alternative policies and
legislation. We also expect the Government to respect the opposition
and to respond to its views, as well as to those of civil society.
Everyone should learn from the policies and attitudes over the past
several years and work to restore the confidence of the people in
democratic institutions. Timor-Leste needs more cooperative
relationships among politicians from all parties, as well as between
the government and the people.
SOMET will soon issue its detailed report of its observations of
the June 30 election and its recommendations for future electoral
processes. Previous SOMET reports are available online at http://www.etan.org/etan/obproject/ .
Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET) is a
nonpartisan observer mission including both international and
domestic non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to monitor the 2007
Presidential and parliamentary elections in Timor-Leste.
SOMET was created by the US-based East Timor and Indonesia
Action Network (ETAN), in cooperation with Stichting Vrij Oost
Timor (VOT) of the Netherlands, Initiatives for International
Dialogue (IID) and the Asia Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)
based in the Philippines, and the World Forum for Democratization in
Asia (WFDA), in response to requests from several civil society
organizations in Timor-Leste. In Timor-Leste, SOMET cooperates with
Asosiasaun HAK, Timor-Leste NGO Forum, La'o Hamutuk, FOKUPERS, Bibi
Bulak and the Kadalak Sulimutuk Institute.
SOMET Appela atu Hapara Violencia no Instabilidade iha Timor
Augusto dia 9 - Maske elisaun ne'ebe la'o ho diak, Groupu
'Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET)' perkupada ho
violencia no instabilidade ne'ebe kontinua akontece iha
Timor-Leste. Maske reportajen husi media no kondisaun trauma ne'ebe
populasaun Timor sofre husi akontecimentu sira iha passadu mos
egjajera violencia ne'ebe akontece iha loron hirak liu ba, SOMET
fiar katak situasaun instabilidade no allegasaun kona ba
ilejitimasaun governu nian bele impede processu demokracia iha
SOMET husu ba ema hotu-hotu atu bele hato'o ninia vijaun ho damen no
tuir lei no regras ne'ebe applika iha Konstitusaun, laos ho
violencia. Militantes husi parte hotu-hotu tenke ser hato'o ninia
opiniaun ho livre, maibe la'os hodi uza dalan violencia no
intimidasaun. Ami konkorda ho lideranca husi Timor Leste nia
mensajen ba ema hotu-hotu atu hapara violencia, no ami fiar katak
nai'n ulun partidu sira sei husu ba sira nia simpatizantes para
Timor-Leste persiza iha ambiente nebe iha paz no damen hodi nune'e
bele faciliata governu atu resolve problema iha rai klaran hanesan
povereza, seguranca, edukasaun, saudi, justica, no hadi'a
infrastruktura iha Timor-Leste. Ami fiar katak problema sira ne'e
hanesan faktoris nebe kontribui ba instabilidade iha rai klaran.
SOMET fiar katak Parlementu no Presidente foun Timor Leste nian sei
representa votantes sira assuntus. Dala ida tan, SOMET hakarak
hoto'o ninia parabens bo'ot ba votantes sira no officiais elisaun
nia ne'ebe participa iha eleisaun ho livre no damen. Ami fiar katak
tuir procesu ne'be Konstitusaun fo nudar dalan ida nebe sei lori
Timor Leste hanesan nasaun ida ne'ebe foin hetan idependencia ba
maturidade. Hodi tuir procesu nebe promugla iha Konstitusaun,
Timor-Leste bele hametin Timor-Leste ninia procesu democrasia ne'ebe
sei ki'ik no nurak.
Partidu hat nebe establese Alianca hetan Mairidade iha Parlementu.
Governu foun ho Primeiru Minstru Xanan Gusmao iha potensial para
hasoru obstaklus iha rai klaran no kria estabilidade iha
Partidu sira ne'ebe la konkorada bele uza processu ne'ebe fo husi
Konstitusaun hodi hato'o sira nian 'motion of no confidence/Assaun
la iha konfidencia'. Kuandu assaun ne'e hetan approvasaun, sira sei
hetan opportunidade hodi forma sira nia governu. Maibe kuandu
Parlementu affirma ninia konfidencia iha Xanana Gusmao nia governu,
FRETILIN no partidu sira seluk tenke simu lijitimasaun governu ida
ne'e no serve hanesan opzisaun ne'ebe forca no konstruktivu iha
SOMET fo korajen maka'as ba partidu hotu-hotu nebe la tur iha
governu atu kontinua participa hodi fo alternativus no kontribusaun
diak ba decizaun nebe governu halo. Ami mos husu ba governu atu
respeita nafatin vizaun no opiniauns husi partidu opozisaun sira, no
mos sociedade civil iha Timor Leste. Ema ida-idak tenke ser
apriende husi experiencia nebe hetan iha tinan hirak liu ba hodi
buka hadi'a fila fali povu nia konfidencia iha governu no
institusaun sira seluk iha Timor-leste. Timor-Leste persiza
koperasaun no relasaun ne'ebe diak entre nai'n ulun sira husi
partidu hotu-hotu, inklui mos entre govenru no sociedade.
SOMET sei hasai ninia reportajen nebe detailhus liu kona ba
observasaun nebe ami halo ba elisaun iha dia 30 fulan Juinho.
Reprotajen sira seluk bele hetan husi
Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET) hanesan misaun
observador nebe neutral, la mete ba partidu ruma. SOMET ninia staff
inklui observador husi orginizasaun internacional no ONG nacional
nebe halo monitorizasaun ba elesaun Presidente no Parlementu iha
Servicu hamutuk ho Stichting Vrij Oost Timor (VOT) husi Netherlands,
Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID) and the Asia Pacific
Solidarity Coalition (APSOC) iha Filipina, no World Forum for
Democratization in Asia (WFDA), ETAN hari'i SOMET baseia ba appelu
husi organizasaun sociedade civil iha Timor-Leste.
Iha Timo- Leste , SOMET service hamutuk ho Asosiasaun HAK, ONG
Forum, La'o Hamutuk, FOKUPERS, Bibi Bulak and the Kadalak Sulimutuk
see also
Timor Votes in 2007
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