Subject: Timornewsline: 26 February 2010

Source: <>

UN Expected TL to value democracy and rule of law

Timor Post , 26 February 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon expected Timor-Leste to respect the principle of democracy and rule of law in the process of its state and nation building.

Seven people imprisoned for Ninja

Timor Post , 26 February 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior PNTL Commissioner Longinhos Monteiro said that seven people have been imprisoned due to their criminal offences such as killing and sexual assault.

Govt’s Strategic Policies Against Corruption Cast Public Doubt

Timor Post , 26 February 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The strategic policies to fight against corruption proposed by the Second Vice-PM Mário Viegas Carrascalão had been approved by the Council of Ministers.

Hi. I just wanted to let readers know that I have nothing to do with subscriptions to the Timor news listserv, nor with the content of news stories on Timornewsline. A few people have written to me, thinking otherwise. Thanks. –Eliot Hoffman

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