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Subject: LUSA: Ramos Horta Cites Pinochet Case Against Suharto
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 08:25:24 -0500 (EST)
From: "Sharon R.A. Scharfe" <>

14 DEZ 98 - 12:38 East Timor: Ramos Horta Cites Pinochet Case Against Suharto

Sydney, Dec. 14 (Lusa) - East Timorese resistance leader Jose Ramos Horta said here Sunday that the judicial process started against former Chilean ruler Augusto Pinochet set a precedent which should be applied against former Indonesian strongman Suharto. "The principles of international human rights cited in the Pinochet case are universal principles which should be applied in all similar cases of war crimes and genocide," Ramos Horta said. Considering the Spanish and British proceedings against Pinochet as one of the most important recent developments in world affairs, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate said Suharto should be tried for the murder of "hundreds of thousands" of East Timorese and Indonesian citizens.

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