Subject: CPD-RDTL: Condemnation of UNTAET’s
acts toward CPD-RDTL
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF EAST TIMOR -DRET- Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor -FRETILIN- Popular Council for the Defense of the Democratic Republic of East Timor -CPD-RDTL/FRETILIN- Subject; The condemnation against UNTAET's dirty political acts toward CPD-RDTL/FRETILIN are increasing in all East Timor Society from day by day. To : UN's Secretary General Kofi Annan , Security Council and General Assembly, To : Worldwide Government and Non Government Organizations, who may loves peace, freedom, fraternity, harmonious leaving and mutual respect and equal social fair and justice for all human beings in elsewhere of the this Planet Hearth with synchronization of the United nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To : All International Mass Media and Public Opinion. To : Worldwide Freedom and Independent Fighters. To : Worldwide Freelancer and total independent and impartial Journalists and Mass Media. As you may know well that in East Timor till today the gross violations to be committed constantly by UNTAET's PKF and CIVPOL toward the single and collective elements of the Fretilin's Movement from CPD-RDTL in all corners of the Maubere People's Soil as the daily "modus vivendum" of characteristic of the new colonialist master's role in East Timor. It is deeply lamentable that the authors of all levels of the violence and mentor of the policy of "double standard" from UNTAET towards Fretilin's Movement elements and its local organizations in East Timor till today never have been punished as according with UN's norms..."Not only, but ironically the UNTAET's Justice Section have been always with hysterical and shameful histories that the law enforcement in East Timor aren't applicable for "puppet" political leaders who are considering "advanced pawn" of the new colonialist master, neither for UNTAET's PKF and CIVPOL in Maubere People's Land. The so called law enforcement plays lead role in East Timor by UNTAET is total and exclusively for to punish only East Timorese who are not follows the satanic willing of the UNTAET's dirty policy towards East Timorese's Fate"... Hereunder some accurate and real information concerning ongoing human rights violations moved by UNTAET's PKF and CIVPOL before and after second transitional government formation, that we have on our obligation to outline to the Worldwide in order to be solidarity with our noble struggle for our People total and complete liberation and freedom from any manner of the exploitation and oppression from man by man in this corner of the Planet Earth. ---1. September 15, 2001 the UNTAET local's administrator and former Indonesia administrator namely THOMAS XIMENES pompously took with him CIVPOL elements originally Philippine with commandant RENATO HERDEAN and went to the remote village Maukali-Baucau with aims of intimidations and arbitrary orders of arrested and detentions towards CPD-RDTL/FRETILIN population in that village without any criminal charges, but the simples reason that the population of Maukali are completely opposed the so called UNTAET's policy of the new era of new colonialist master mine to be roused in East Timor. ---2. September 17, 2001 after two days over the occurred at the same District and with the same remote village, Maukali- Gari uai, the CIVPOL and PKF originally Jordan and Philippine acted brutality on behalf of UNTAET's Justice Section against CPD-RDTL/FRETILIN's population element, FRANCISCO PATRICIO FREITAS, with political conspiracies, lies and false accusations in order to continue master mined the oppression and repression against the dignity and freedom of the Maubere People as long as UNTAET maintains its political role in East Timor. ---3. On the upon cited remote village, the CIVPOL and PKF of the UNTAET not only with false accusations towards the local population, but also, they entered into the village and assaulted innocent people houses in the midnight with shameful and barbaric act of the intimidations of robbery and rape after damaging doors and finally pointed out weapons and pistols to the face of the young ladies and youth people with punches and kicks where we may know well now that UNTAET's PKF and CIVPOL's attitude comparatively with Indonesia Army's behavior are totally the synonym in all "modus of vivendum" during the 24 years of Maubere People's Land illegal occupation. And after all they have been arrested and detained with baseless two more elements namely MAURICIO PRUDENCIO and ANO FREITAS till today jailed in the komarka as before they acted inhuman being against the two elements of CPD-RDTL/FRETILIN respectively GIL FERNANDES and AMERICO MENEZES till today without any culpability charges. With these savagery and inhuman acts toward East Timor People, how we can respect and trust the UN task forces reputation in Maubere People Land??? ---4. September 25th, 2001 in Baucau District the PKF and CIVPOL have been arrested and detained the student NOLASCO NICOLAU XIMENES with baseless reason. At the same date in another District of East Timor namely Suai in the remote village Tilomar, the UNTAET's task force, CIVPOL and PKF have been arrested and detained an old man namely CALISTRO ARAUJO without any criminal charges. ---5. UNTAET's Education Section also violated educator's right toward elementary's school teacher FRANCISCO PATRICIO FREITAS teaches in SDN 10 MAUKALI, where his salary will never paid from month April till today without any justification of delay payment, according of the reliable sources and also have been confirmed by us, that the puppet mentor of this obstacle was Priest FILOMENO JACOB as the UNTAET's Education Minister and Baucau District Education Chief RODOLFO HENRIQUE, all of them are complicity of the political conspiracy toward CPD-RDTL/FRETILIN members and local organizations. Finally, we appeal to all brothers and sisters from all around the World those with patriotic and nationalist spirit of determination to fight for to become total freedom and independence in else where of this Globe come to be solidarity with our struggle against new forms of the colonialism and neo-colonialism in our Homeland East Timor. Long live Democratic Republic of East Timor! Long live Maubere People! Long live Falintil! Long live Youth Maubere! Long live Fretilin! Long live CPD-RDTL/FRETILIN! East Timor, October 1st, 2001, Signed by Central Committee of Fretilin Movement with Headquarter in Balide-Dili. Back to October menu Note: For those who would like to fax "the powers that be" - CallCenter is a Native 32-bit Voice Telephony software application integrated with fax and data communications... and it's free of charge! Download from |