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Resources on Past Timor Elections

back to Timor-Leste Votes in 2007 page

Timor-Leste Armed Violence Assessment: Electoral violence shadows Timorese politics: new report (17 June 2009)
Issue Brief 3: Electoral violence in Timor-Leste: mapping incidents and responses (June 2009)
2005 Suco (local) elections

STAE (Secretariado Técnico de Administração Eleitoral) website*

Results by Party*; by District* 

Report on a Visit to Observe the Village Chief and other Suco Elections in Aileu District, Timor-Leste 29 June to 6 July 2005*

April 15 2002 Presidential Election


IFET Observer Project report
Civic Forum Timor Lorosae (CFTL)
Independent Election Observer Groups of East Timor
ANFREL congratulates the success of East Timor's Presidential Elections

Carter Center Postelection Statement on East Timor Elections, April 15, 2002*
European Union Election Observation Mission (EUEOM)*

more coverage April 2002

Presidential candidates Xanana Gusmao and Francisco Xavier do Amaral vote. UN Photo.  
August 2001 Constituent Assembly Election


Observer Reports
IFET Observer Project report
Yayasan HAK: Elections in the Context of Nation-building
Domestic Electoral Monitoring Organization Joint Statement

VOT: Report on East Timor electoral observation in Viqueque*: 15-08-2001; 28-08-2001; Election Day, August 30, 2001 and counting
Osaka East Timor Association, Japan Observer Report Constituent Assembly Elections in East Timor
Oxfam International Election Monitoring Report

East Timor Constituent Assembly Election on 2001* (4.5 mb)
UNTAET report evaluating their public information strategies during the election
European Union: Electoral Observation Mission in East Timor, 2001*

Carter Center

Jesuit Relief Service
CPLP and Angola Observer Reports 30 Aug. 2001
MEDIA MEDIATION PANEL: Final Report Independent Election Media Mediation Panel; Appendix 1; Appendix 2; Appendix 3

August, September News reports

Timorese vote during the 2001 Constituent Assembly elections. Photo by Charles Scheiner.

Voting day. photo by John M. Miller/ETAN  
August 30, 1999 Popular Consultation in East Timor


ETAN: Observers Head to Timor for Historic UN Vote (August 10, 1999)

Sampling of Observer Reports



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