TAPOL and the East Timor and
Indonesia Action
Network (ETAN) condemn yet another wave
of mass arrests[1] during
the opening week of the 73rd session of the United
Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The mass arrests
clearly contradict the statement of the Republic of
Indonesia in their first “right of reply” during the
General Assembly that there are not “frequent and
systematic human rights violations” in West Papua.[2] We
also disagree with Indonesia’s claim that UN
Resolution 2504 of 1969[3] has
settled the issue of West Papua’s political status
In late September, Indonesian
security forces arrested 89 West Papuans and many
more were beaten.[4] One
West Papuan is being investigated for treason. Their
alleged crime was to have peacefully demonstrated
their support for the United Liberation Movement of
West Papua and for the Republic of Vanuatu which
planned to speak about human rights and the right to
self-determination at the UNGA session. (An
additional 39 Papuans were detained in Malang, East
Java on 30 September for demonstrating in support of
This problematic trend of unlawful mass arrests of
peaceful protesters was highlighted two years ago,
when the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination delivered two early warnings to
Indonesia.[6] These
warnings arose from 5,361 unlawful arrests of West
Papuan peaceful protesters in just one year alone.[7] No
other group has suffered such treatment at the hands
of the Indonesian state. Hence, there have been
systematic human rights violations in West Papua in
the past, but they continue.
mass arrests clearly contradict the
statement of the Republic of Indonesia
in their first “right of reply” during
the General Assembly that there are not
“frequent and systematic human rights
violations” in West Papua.
A total of 221 West Papuans were
arbitrarily arrested this past September.[8] Five
people were tortured by Indonesia’s security forces,[9] including
one killed while in police custody in the same
West Papuans are not only
discriminated against in their own ancestral
territory of Papua, but in other provinces of
Indonesia. There have been racially motivated
attacks by state-backed gangs against West Papuan
student dormitories in Surabaya,[11] Yogyakarta[12] and
Malang,[13] as
well as assaults by security forces in Manado and
Tomohon.[14] West
Papuans are routinely prevented from holding public
discussions and peaceful protests in Java and other
non-Papuan parts of Indonesia.
Those who seek to document
violations and defend the victims of human rights in
West Papua live in fear. These human rights
defenders face a range of physical threats and other
measures, aimed at obstructing their work.
Indigenous human rights activist, seeking to protect
ancestral lands in South Sorong[15] or
Boven Digoel[16],
expose illegal mining in Koroway, or publicising
military sweeps, house-burnings and other severe
human rights violations in remote villages in Mimika
or Nduga risk criminalization by Indonesian
Several past cases of serious
human rights violations in West Papua have been
highlighted by Indonesian President Joko Widodo for
resolution. These have been investigated by
Indonesia’s own National Commission on Human Rights,
yet those responsible have gone unpunished. These
include the 1998 Biak Massacre of more than 150[18];
the torture, rape and killing of 50 West Papuan in
Wasior in 2001[19];
and the military sweeping of villages in Wamena in
Indonesia has also failed to
protect the social, economic, and cultural rights of
West Papuans. Five tribes in Papua’s Keerom Regency
were declared extinct in August.[21] Earlier
this year, the Indonesian government reported that
almost one hundred West Papuan children had died
from malnutrition[22] and
an estimated 15,000 West Papuans currently suffer
from malnutrition.[23] A
BBC journalist was expelled from West Papua while
she was covering this tragedy.[24] Not
long after that, an Australian student was
blacklisted from entering Indonesia due to her
previous study on West Papua.[25] A
Polish tourist charged with treason is currently
sitting in jail in Jayapura awaiting trial[26],
and a West Papuan is facing the same charge merely
for meeting him.[27]
Indonesia has
still not fulfilled its promise to invite a team of
UN Human Rights investigators to visit West Papua.
It is long-overdue for the UN to
revisit its unfulfilled obligation to ensure a
proper decolonization of all peoples with regards to
West Papua. Contrary to Indonesia’s delegate claim,
the 1969 UN Resolution on West Papua[28]did
not have universal support. It was debated at great
length over three sessions and the final vote was
marked by 30 abstentions. This was because the
coerced ‘Act of Free Choice’[29] was
recognised to have been
It is
long-overdue for the UN to revisit its
unfulfilled obligation to ensure a
proper decolonization of all peoples
with regards to West Papua.
procedurally flawed. UN
members voted to acknowledge the agreement between
Indonesia and the Netherlands regarding West Papua.
The process allowed West Papua’s fate to be dictated
by two foreign colonising governments. The West
Papuans were props in a charade; no real effort was
allowed to ascertain their true wishes.
The UN has an obligation to
revisit this morally unacceptable outcome, arrived
at through an event in which only 1,026 handpicked
West Papuans were pressured to raise their hands in
assent to a proposition they had no hand in
drafting. That deeply flawed process was a stark
abrogation of the United Nations Temporary Executive
Authority’s responsibility to oversee a just
decolonisation. The UN should have ensured that
process adhered to the universally recognised
standard of one person, one vote.
ETAN take no official position on the political
status of West Papua. We support the right and
aspirations for West Papuan people to decide their
own future.
TAPOL info@tapol.org
ETAN etan@etan.org
TAPOL - promoting
human rights, peace, and democracy in Indonesia
86 Durham Road •
London • N7 7DT • +44 (0) 20 7561 7485 •
East Timor and
Indonesia Action Network
- supporting human rights, justice and democracy
PO Box 1663. New York,
NY 10035-1663 USA •
+1-917-690-4391 • www.etan.org |
Facebook.com/ETANUSA |