Subject: CONG: House CO Delegation to Sec.
Powell on IMET
August 1, 2003 Secretary of State Colin L. Powell Department of State 2201 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20520 Dear Secretary Powell: We write to you today out of deep concern about the impending obligation of fiscal year 2003 International Military Education and Training (IMET) funds to be used by the Indonesian military. As you are aware, on August 31, 2002, Rick Spier, a resident of Colorado's Sixth Congressional District, and the entire staff of the International School of Tembagapura in West Papua, Indonesia, were attacked on their way home from a picnic outing. The attack occurred in the middle of the day, less than a half mile from an Indonesian military position, and lasted for approximately 45 minutes. In addition to Mr. Spier, another American teacher, Ted Burgon, was also killed. Other victims, including Mr. Spier's wife, Patricia, were shot, severely wounded and left to fend for themselves. The Indonesian police began an investigation of the attack and issued a report concluding that there was a strong possibility that it had been carried out by members of the Indonesian National Army Force. Subsequently, the case was turned over to the Indonesian military police, which exonerated the military of any involvement. We appreciate the efforts put forth by the FBI, the State Department and the Administration regarding this case, and we are aware that FBI agents have been to Indonesia to investigate this crime. However, we are concerned about the signal that will be sent to the Indonesian government if the United States continues to fund the Indonesian military. This is the time to add pressure to the Indonesian government to cooperate in the investigation, not to continue to educate and train its forces. Last week, Representative Joel Hefley introduced an amendment to H.R. 2800, the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, on the floor of the House of Representatives, removing $600,000 from the IMET account to prevent Indonesia from receiving IMET funding in fiscal year 2004. This amendment passed the House by voice vote. Prior to this, Representative Hefley offered a similar amendment to H.R. 1950, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act for fiscal years 2004 and 2005, that would prevent Indonesia from participation in IMET until the President certifies to Congress that Indonesia is conducting a full investigation into the attack and the people responsible for the attack are brought to justice. This amendment also passed the House by voice vote. Congress has clearly stated its opposition to giving IMET funds to Indonesia by voting not once, but twice, to limit Indonesia's participation in this funding. We respectfully request that the voice of the House of Representatives be heard on this matter, and that any funds not yet obligated from fiscal year 2003 be withheld from the Indonesian military. We look forward to your prompt response. Sincerely, Representative Tom Tancredo Representative Marilyn Musgrave Representative Mark Udall Representative Bob Beauprez Representative Joel Hefley Representative Scott McInnis cc: Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz -- Karen Orenstein Washington Coordinator East Timor Action Network: 12 Years for Self-determination and Justice tel: 202-544-6911; fax: 202-544-6118; -- Karen Orenstein Washington Coordinator East Timor Action Network: 12 Years for Self-determination and Justice tel: 202-544-6911; fax: 202-544-6118; Back to August menu |