May 2007

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Winter 2007 Issue Online


Monitor elections in Timor-Leste with ETAN!

Report of the Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET) on the Timor-Leste 2007 Presidential Elections (also in Tetum)

SOMET Issues Preliminary Observations of Timor-Leste’s Presidential Run-off

ETAN: Indicted Indonesian General Leads Joint Military Exercise with U.S.

Report of the Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET) on the first round of the Timor-Leste 2007 Presidential Elections (also in Tetum)

STAE: Calendar for Parliamentary Elections

ALERT: Urge Your Representative to Support HRes 121; Support WWII "Comfort Women"

National Alliance for an International Tribunal: Statement Truth and Friendship Commission Investigation must be for Justice, Not Amnesty

TL National Alliance Continues to Struggle for Justice

ETAN submission to JSCT on CMAT Treaty
Other submissions can be found here

ETAN: An Overview Justice Processes and Commissions for Timor-Leste

Douglas Kammen and S.W. Hayati: Crisis and Rice in East Timor

ETAN: Joint Commission Unlikely to Further Truth or Friendship Between Timor and Indonesia

LH Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 1, March 2007: Petroleum Fund, Oilwatch Forum Report, Public meetings on CMATS and PNTL, Lessons for the UN, Pension laws

Bush Administration Grants Unlimited Military “Aid” to Indonesia Betrays Military’s Victims and End-Runs Congress
Printable PDF version

June 2 - May 24

Timor party calls for prosecutions
U.N. envoy says East Timor faces 'challenging' parliamentary elections
ETimor prime minister vows action after election violence

Campaigning kicks off for ETimor election
UN welcomes pledge for peaceful ETimor poll
Political Party Accord
East Timorese parties prepare for June 30 vote

Whistleblowing- Lying for Your Country
Minister upbeat about Greater Sunrise prospects
Spying fears haunted Timorese during oil talks

Reinado's lawyer denies Indonesia asylum bid
Ramos-Horta to Make First Official Visit to Jakarta

Indonesia reopens border with Timor-Leste

US, RI to enhance military cooperation
Tommy's Kopassus Friends- A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

UNMIT Daily Media Review

01 June
30 May
29 May

Balibo Hearing
Set history right- Balibo families
SMH- Sutiyoso Still Calls the Shots [+The Australian; Age Editorials]
Sutiyoso should have been arrested - Indonesian NGOs
Indonesian Troops Killed Aussie Reporters In 1975- Lawyer
Demonstrators demand Australian Embassy in Indonesia be burned down
Indonesian witness completes fate of Australian media
Sydney Morning Herald

May 26 - 19

Books before bullets, urges Jose
JRH sworn in
ETimor president recalls unrest
JRH says the Australian media exaggerates the violence

Timor rebel taunts Diggers in pursuit
East Timor to crack down on gang violence

East Timor awards medal of honour posthumously to bishop, priests, nuns 
Pope awards Monsignor title to two foreign missioners

EU to give 63 million euros in aid to East Timor
ConocoPhillips to exit oilfield in Timor Sea

Timor Leste must settle maritime boundary

Oped It's the Economy, Stupid

Serious Doubts About Timor Aid, Says Australian Labor Party
Australian diplomat Claims he was told to lie

Indonesian Rights Activists Outraged at Promotion of Disgraced Soldiers
Britain Breached Its Own Guidelines on Arms Exports- Report [incl- Indonesia]

UNMIT Daily Media Review

25 May
24 May
23 May
22 May

Other Links (open in new windows)

A Lobbying Bonanza: Indonesia hired well-connected firms to restore U.S. funding cut off after 1991 massacre

UN: Statement by UN Secretary General on the Inauguration of President of T-L
UNMIT: Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in
Timor-Leste, Atul Khare congratulating Ramos-Horta

EU: Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union

James Dunn: President-elect Jose Ramos Horta
CAFOD: East Timor shows desire for peace

UNMIT: A Gender Perspective Audit of the Second Round of the 2007 Presidential Elections of Timor-Leste

ALP: Australia Should Back New East Timor President With A New Strategy For Assistance & Cooperation

Forum-Asia: Indonesia’s commitments and voluntary pledges in relation to its candidature for re-election to the UN Human Rights Council for the term 2007-2010"

UNMIT: UN won't tolerate violence
TLGOV: The International Compact on Timor-Leste will be a key tool to addressing the priorities emerging from the crisis

UNMIT: UNMIT’s road safety awareness campaign continues

ASSERT to launch new Wheelchair Programme
AAI: Rural healthcare program in Alieu district maternal child healthcare
Dili-gence: Access to media in TL

TLGOV: Messages of congratulations pour in for Dr. Ramos-Horta
Fretilin: Message from Lu Olo in respect of the 2007 Presidential Elections in Timor-Leste

UNMIT: Rogerio Lobato's Appeal Dismissed

TAPOL: British arms company enjoys impunity

EU Election Observation Mission: Preliminary Statement 2nd Presidential Election
UN: Ban Ki-Moon ‘Greatly Encouraged’ by Peaceful Presidential Run-off
UN: Presidential run-off in Timor-Leste was incident-free, UN reports

UNMIT: Second round presidential vote in Timor-Leste Slide Show by Martine Perret (10mb)
UN: Secretary General's Message on the Eve of the Second Presidential Elections
UNMIT: SRSG Atul Kare message to the People of Timor-Leste on the Second Round of the Presidential Election (MP3)

JSMP: The Right to Vote

UN: 5th Committee takes up 2007-08 peacekeeping budget
UN: Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations

JSMP: Digest of the Jurisprudence of the Special Panels for Serious Crimes
JSMP: Torture Survivors : Their Experiences of Violation, Truth and Justice

IFRC: Timor-Leste: Appeal No. MAATP001 Report 2006-2007

UNMIT Statement in response to the Sixth Report of the Electoral Certification Team
Sixth Report of the Electoral Certification Team (English)

TLGOV: Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation with S-G Ban Ki-moon
Security Council Report May 2007 Timor-Leste Expected Council Action

UNDP Timor-Leste elections website

STAE: Calendar Second Round Presidential Elections
CNE: Campaign Schedules for Second Round Presidential Elections

STAE: Calendar for Parliamentary Elections

Candidate Blogs and Websites
Francisco "Lu Olo" Guterres - Fretilin's Candidate for the President
José Ramos-Horta

UNMIT: The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Security Sector Support and Rule of Law

USAID: USAID: E Timor – Complex Emergency Factsheet

NZ Defence Force: First Air Force helicopter departs for Timor Leste

Tourism Information from the ATTL - Tourism Association of East Timor - - Associacao de Turismo de Timor Leste

AUSDems: Independent future relies on revenue from oil and gas
ABC Australian Story - The Peacemaker

UN: Secretary-General Ban heartened by the ‘order and calm’ of Timor-Leste’s election
UN welcomes preliminary results of Timor-Leste poll, looks ahead to next round
Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the first round of the presidential election in Timor-Leste

JSMP: Training on Criminal Investigation from Gender Perspective According to Timor-Leste's Criminal Procedure Code
JSMP: Restrictive Measure Pre-Trial Detention, Parole and Suspension of the Execution of a Prison Sentence

UNDP Timor-Leste elections website
UNDP News Special election edition April 2007

SEAPA: Political Party Militants Attack Injure Journalist

UN Certification Team: Statement of the Team – Planned timing of Reports

UNDP: Status of Electoral Observers Groups (as of Sunday 8 April 2007)
STAE: Calendar of Electoral Operations for the Presidential Elections in RDTL
STAE: List of Polling Places

UN: Fifth Report Of The Certification Team

European Union Election Observation Mission Timor - Leste 2007

Blogs: Timor Leste Perspectives
James Dunn

subscribe today to the east-timor listserv

May 11 - 20

Ramos-Horta sworn in as E. Timor president, clash occurs
Ramos-Horta inducted as president as East Timor struggles with poverty
Ramos-Horta declared ETimor president as violence flares
Party leaders visit former ETimor minister in jail
East Timor raises security before president ceremony
East Timor's Imperfect Election

Australia Hails Horta, Poll
RI Foreign Minister to attend Horta's swearing-in ceremony
Japan congratulates East Timor on peaceful elections, new president
China, Brazil, Singapore congratulate Timor-Leste's new president

Indonesia, ETimor to discuss border security
Troops in E Timor to maintain 'election posture' until June

I'm ready to surrender or not- Timor army rebel
E Timor's Reinado 'seeking surrender'

New president needs support to reform troubled ETimor- analysts
East Timor Swears In Interim Prime Minister
Reflections on the East Timorese Presidential elections
RI Hoping Timor Leste's New Govt to Continue Predecessor's Policies

Dilemma for Indonesians in Timor Leste

Garuda airline faces fresh legal battles as Munir's widow appeals court decision
Pentagon Hopes to Expand Aid Program

UNMIT's Daily Media Review 

18 May
15 May
14 May

May 6 - 12

The World- East Timor report
ETimor's president-elect to visit Indonesia
Ramos-Horta Vows Reform as ETimor President; "Lu-Olo" Ready to Accept Defeat
Guterres calls on supporters to accept new E. Timor president
Australia, New Zealand Welcome Ramos Horta's Election
East Timor's Ramos-Horta has brimming portfolio
Perseverance Wins the Day

Voices from a troubled nation

Dispute on renegade soldier can be settled by law- XG
Rush for children stifles growth in E Timor

ET gas plant would provide jobs
East Timor sees oil cash easing aid reliance
An ‘unfair’ deal for Timor Leste

UN turns blind eye to use of Timor brothels
AU-Anger at UN drink driving in Timor
Timor Leste- An outpost of RI culture?

Aceh rights activists push for truth and reconciliation commission [+Trisakti]
As case closes on Detroit weapons sting, final convict cites U.S. coercion

UNMIT Daily Media Review

11 May
10 May
08 May

I’ve long admired ETAN’s work. For well over a decade, ETAN has conducted some of the most effective grassroots campaigns I know. With limited resources, they helped free a nation and fundamentally changed policy toward one of the U.S.’s closest and most repressive allies, Indonesia.

Amy Goodman, host of “Democracy Now!”

Make a monthly pledge via credit card: click here

May 5 - April 25

Hunt for East Timor's rebel leader becomes an embarrassment
Rival urges Ramos Horta to declare personal wealth
East Timor troops find gun, cash in Fretilin cars- Ramos-Horta
UN mission head to assess ETimor poll security
Report critical of East Timor election
Horta Flouting Constitution Say Interim Premier
E Timor candidates open old wounds in campaign

Youths called to be 'agents of peace'
One Million Consultations by Cuban Doctors in East Timor
I will consolidate ties with communist states, Horta

Interview with Xanana
Timor Leste president elected head of new party
President invites Pope to visit East Timor and “help establish peace”
Former E. Timor 'comfort women' now speaking out

Wolfowitz's Indonesia Record Eyed

Garuda fined for negligence over activist's death
Rights groups back Indonesia's Munir probe

UNMIT Daily Media Review 

4 May
3 May

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