Subject: Timornewsline: 2 March 2010

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Four people imprisoned due to mutilation and sexual case

Suara Timor Loro Sa’e , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The spokesperson for the security force operation in hunting ninja gang in the Bobonaro and Kovalima districts, Sub Inspector Calisto Gonzaga, has said that there were four people been imprisoned after the allegation of their involvement in the mutilation and sexual cases in the Bobonaro district.

Regional PDHJ in Maliana receive twelve cases during 2009

Suara Timor Loro Sa’e , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The PDHJ’s coordinator in Maliana, Carvarinho dos Santos, has said that the Timorese Human Right and Justice Ombudsmen (PDHJ) in Maliana has received twelve cases where four cases from Bobonaro, four from Kovalima and four from Ermera districts during 2009.

PDHJ to share information with community leaders in Likisa district

Suara Timor Loro Sa’e , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The Timorese Human Right and Justice Ombudsmen (PDHJ) deputy, Amandio de Sa Benevides, has said that his department will hold workshop on 23-25 of this month in the Likisa district to share with community leaders about good governance.

Police found no strong evidence to detain Aitahan Matak

Timor Post , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The Second Operational Commander for hunting ninja gang in the Bobonaro and Kovalima districts, Calistro Gonzaga, has said that they have no strong eveidence that could support them to detain the ex-resistance organization (CPD-RDTL) leader, Antonio Aitahan Matak.

Family and friends of Ki’ak and Alberto called the court verdict “unjust”

Radio Televisaun Timor Leste , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Family members and friends of Fredérico Florindo ‘Ki’ak’ and Alberto da Costa said that the court decision to imprison two reservists of the F-FDTL was unjust and therefore they are not going to hand in the two to be imprisoned.

F-FDTL should be held responsible: Lawyer Sérgio Hornai

Radio Televisaun Timor Leste , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior A Timorese lawyer Sérgio Hornai said that the general command of the F-FDTL should be held responsible for arming civilians in 2006 crises. However, Brigadier General Lere Anan Timor said that the F-FDTL is ready to be held responsible for the arming of the reservist but will not be responsible for any crimes taking place on May 25 2006.

Local people reported PNTL’s brutality to MPs

Radio Televisaun Timor Leste , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Orlando Cardoso, a local member of the CPD-RDTL from Kasabauk village in Tilomar of Kovalima District accused the PNTL of exercising excessive use of force against him.

JSMP: Ramos Horta and Xanana should testify

Timor Post , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The director of the Judicial Systems Monitoring Program (JSMP), Luís de Oliveira said that José Ramos Horta and Xanana Gusmão should appear before the court to make their testimonies before the court makes its decision on the February 11th case.

”More human resources needed to establish TL’s Audit Court”: Claúdio Ximenes

Diario Nacional , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The president of the Court of Appeal, Claúdio Ximenes, said Monday (1/3) that in the near future Timor-Leste will have its own fiscal and audit court to deal with the use of the state’s budget however he reminded that more human resources are needed in order to have an effective audit court.

Appellate Court President met President Horta about problems they face

Suara Timor Loro Sa’e , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior “I am here to inform President Horta about the problem faced by the court and prosecutors as we are lack of human resource and the other problem that hamper prosecutor to conduct their work in the field,” Mr. Ximenes said.

We need a strong internal system, said anti-corruption Commissioner

Diario Nacional , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The Anti-Corruption Commissioner, Adérito de Jesus Soares, said Monday

KAK’s Leader meets with President Horta

Suara Timor Loro Sa’e , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The Anti-corruption leader, Aderito de Jesus, has met with President Jose Ramos Horta asking him [President Horta] to support his department to combat corruption practices at all the governmental levels.

Carrascalão: “PEKK will eradicate virus of corruption within Govt”

Timor Post , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The Deputy Prime Minister for Management and Public Administration, Mario Viegas Carrascalão, has said that if the recent Government strategic plan of PEKK that been approved by the Council of Ministries effectively work then it will eradicate corruption appear in the country.

Ki’ak and Alberto can appeal, said Alkatiri

Diario Nacional , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior East Timorese former Prime Minister Marí Alkatiri said that Fredêrico Florindo ‘Ki’ak’ and Alberto da Costa can still make their appeal at the high court for the decision of the Dili District Court.

President Horta calls for the Govt to set up an agency to control prices

Timor Post , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The President, Jose Ramos Horta, has called for the Government to set up an agency to control prices of goods in the market in Timor-Leste.

PUN and Fretilin concerned about the country’s judicial system

Suara Timor Loro Sa’e , 2 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The National Unity Party (PUN) and Fretilin MPs in a Parliamentary session have called for the Government to pay attention to the country’s judicial system following the recent social injustice appear in the trial process for the 2006 crisis.

Please note that I have nothing to do with subscriptions to the Timor news listserv, nor with the content of news stories on Timornewsline. Thanks. –Eliot Hoffman, your friendly news poster

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