Subject: Timornewsline: 12 March 2010
Source: <> TMR: We are being criminalized for defending the country Radio Televisaun Timor Leste , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Timor-Leste’s Defense Force General Commander, Major General Taur Matan Ruak, has said that the members of the Defense Force are being criminalized for defending the country in times of war. “Our Prime Minister Xanana was in the jungle defending his homeland and the Indonesian court convicted him as a criminal and now we are being criminalized as well for defending Timor,” Matan Ruak said Thursday in Metinaro, Dili. Launches the Office of the Prosecutor General’s English Judicial Language Training to Prosecutors and Investigators Timor Newsline , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Civil society and the office of the Prosecutor General of the Republic (OPGR) have partnered to design and implement English Judicial Language training to Prosecutors and Investigators. Inspectorate General will investigate money US$ 3 million lost in Finance Ministry Diario Nacional , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The Timorese Inspectorate General, Francisco de Carvalho, has said that his department will investigate the recent allegation made by the Fretilin that US$ 3 million had lost in the Finance and Planning Ministry. MP urges Govt to demobilize ex-guerilla fighters Diario Nacional , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior MP Osorio Florindo from Fretilin, has urged the Government to create a law in order to demobilize Falintil, due to many people had alleged Falintil members engage in crime in the 2006. Aderito de Jesus named Corte-Real and das Neves as his deputies Diario Nacional , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The Timorese Anti-corruption Commissioner, Aderito de Jesus Soares, has named Manuel Coutinho Bucar Corte-Real and José António da Neves as his deputies. Timor-Leste to host fragile G-7 dialog in Dili Diario Nacional , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Timor-Leste’s Ministry of Finance and Planning, in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will host an international dialogue involving seven fragile countries of the world. Horta denied supporting the establishment of an international tribunal Diario Nacional , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior President Horta had denied a press release made by UK-based Amnesty International that he supported the establishment of an international tribunal for crimes committed in Timor-Leste from 1975 t0 1999. LABEH: Carrascalão should resign Timor Post , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior A local NGO LABEH has urged the resignation of Vice Prime Minister for Management and Public Administration due to his failure to take concrete actions against corruption cases found within the government of Prime Minister Xanana. Minister Pires denies that US$ 3 million is lost Suara Timor Loro Sa’e , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The Timorese Finance and Planning Minister, Emilia Pires, has denied totally the recent allegation made by Fretilin MP in the Parliamentary plenary session, saying that money US$ 3 million had been lost in the budget execution for the Government’s referendum package projects. Parliamentarians concern about Falintil involvement in the F-FDTL institution Suara Timor Loro Sa’e , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior The Timorese Parliamentarians is concerned about proposed law for national defense debated in the parliamentary plenary session, particularly about the cooperation between the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) with the civilians when there is a threat to national security. Domestic violence in Oecuse district is the highest in T Suara Timor Loro Sa’e , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Oecuse District Administrator, José Tanesib Anuno, has said that the number of domestic violence is staying in high comparing to the other districts of Timor-Leste. JSMP launches Parliament watch project Suara Timor Loro Sa’e , 12 March 2010- Summary by <>Alberico Junior Judicial Systems Monitoring Program (JSMP) Director Luis Oliveira has officially launched a parliamentary watch program in order to monitor activities of the parliament.
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