ETAN Supports Senate Resolution on 50th Anniversary of 1965 Mass Violence in Indonesia
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Summary of S.Res. 273: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the need for reconciliation in Indonesia and disclosure by the United States Government of events surrounding the mass killings during 1965 and 1966.

Condemns the 1965-1966 mass murder in Indonesia and expresses concern about the lack of accountability enjoyed by those who carried out such crimes.

Urges Indonesian political leaders to consider a truth, justice, and reconciliation commission to address alleged crimes against humanity and other human rights violations.

Calls on the Department of State, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, and others involved in developing and implementing policy towards Indonesia during such time period to establish an interagency working group to:

  • locate, recommend for declassification, and make available to the public all classified records and documents concerning such mass killings, including records and documents pertaining to covert operations in Indonesia from January 1, 1964, through March 30, 1966;
  • coordinate with federal agencies and take such actions as necessary to expedite the public release of such records; and
  • submit a related report to Congress.

  • Contact your Senators and urge them to co-sponsor S.Res. 273. Call the Capitol Switchboard - (202) 224-3121 - and ask for your Senators' offices. Once connected ask for a foreign policy aide. Urge the Senator to co-sponsor Senate Resolution 273 on Indonesia, summarize the resolution and a give your reasons why you believe it is important. Get others in your state to call,. Be sure to follow-up with an email or another call.

     Let us know the results of your calls.

    see also ETAN's Action ALERT: See/Show The Look of Silence and Take Action on U.S. Support for Mass Violence in Indonesia

    ETAN Supports Senate Resolution on 50th Anniversary of 1965 Mass Violence in Indonesia

    Contact: John M. Miller, +1-917-690-4391
    October 1, 2015 - The East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN) today urged the U.S. Senate to act quickly and pass Sen. Tom Udall's (D-NM) resolution (S.Res. 273) calling on the U.S. government to "make available to the public all classified records and documents concerning the mass killings of 1965 and 1966" in Indonesia.
    The resolution, introduced on October 1, the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the massacres that took up to a million lives, "condemns the mass murder" and "expresses great concern about the lack of accountability enjoyed by those who carried out crimes during this period." It urges Indonesia to create "a truth, justice, and reconciliation commission to address alleged crimes against humanity and other human rights violations.


    For too long, impunity has allowed many of the perpetrators to prosper, while survivors and the families of the victims continue to suffer.

    "The peoples of the U.S. and Indonesia deserve to know the full truth about these events. The U.S. must declassify and release all files related to Suharto's U.S.-backed seizure of power and the horrific events which followed," said Chris Lundry of ETAN.
    "The U.S. assisted and praised these events," said John M. Miller, Coordinator of ETAN. "Those in the West who encouraged the mass violence in Indonesia should be held accountable. For too long, impunity has allowed many of the perpetrators to prosper, while survivors and the families of the victims continue to suffer," he added.
    The resolution singles out the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the Central Intelligence Agency as "involved in developing and implementing policy towards Indonesia" at that time. And calls for them "to locate, identify, inventory, recommend for declassification, and make available to the public all classified records and documents concerning the mass killings of 1965 and 1966, including records and documents pertaining to covert operations in Indonesia from January 1, 1964 through March 30, 1966."
    ETAN's petition urging the U.S. government to acknowledge its role in mass violence in Indonesia and release all its records concerning the 1965/66 killings has more than 2300 signatures

    The massacre of between 500,000 and 1,000,000 (and possibly more) communists, leftists, ethnic Chinese, and others in Indonesia in 1965-1966 is a foundational event in modern Indonesian political history. These massacres brought the brutal Indonesian dictator Suharto to power. His three-decade dictatorship was backed by the U.S., which provided weapons, military training and political support. Recent documentaries, including The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence, have fueled a debate within Indonesia and drawn attention internationally to events kept out of many U.S. history books. Events that the U.S. facilitated and cheered at the time.

    The list of human rights violations during Suharto's New Order is lengthy, including the mysterious shootings incidents of the early 1980s, the 1984 Tanjung Priok massacre, and the persecution and killings in West Papua and Aceh. Among the most egregious was the 1975 invasion of former Portuguese colony and newly-declared independent state Timor-Leste (East Timor), where up to one-third of the population died in the years following the illegal invasion.
    Throughout all of these human rights disasters, the United States remained firmly on Suharto's side, pledging financial and political support, encouraging investment, and providing military aid and training, at times contrary to the wishes of the U.S. Congress and in violation of U.S. law.
    Additional Background here: Breaking the Silence: The U.S. and Indonesia's Mass Violence

    A copy of the resolution can be found here

    The East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN) was founded in 1991. ETAN supports democracy, human rights and justice in Timor-Leste, West Papua and Indonesia. Website: Twitter: @etan009.

    See also

    For Immediate Release
    October 1, 2015
    Contact:  Jennifer Talhelm 
    Udall Introduces Resolution to Promote Reconciliation
    on 50th Anniversary of Indonesian Massacres
    Resolution urges Indonesia to create a truth and reconciliation commission to address the crimes and for U.S. to release related classified documents
    WASHINGTON – Today, on the 50th anniversary of the beginning of one of the worst mass atrocities of the 20th century, U.S. Senator Tom Udall reintroduced a resolution in the U.S. Senate to bring attention to the 1965-66 slaughter of up to 1 million people in Indonesia.

    As we mark the anniversary of this horrific period just 50 years ago, the United States and Indonesia must work to close this terrible chapter by declassifying information and officially recognizing the atrocities that occurred. Many of the killers are still alive and free, and their impunity prevents Indonesia from truly realizing its democratic potential.

    On Oct. 1, 1965, six Indonesian Army generals were killed by Indonesian military personnel, but their deaths were blamed on Indonesia’s Communist Party. It is believed that the Suharto-led Indonesian government used this event to justify mass killings of anyone alleged to be associated with the Communist Party and this alleged coup. Thousands of intellectuals, teachers, union members, members of the women’s movement and other civilians from all walks of life were harrased and killed as a result.
    Udall’s resolution, which he first introduced last year, urges Indonesia’s new government to create a truth and reconciliation commission to address these crimes. It also calls on the U.S. government to establish an interagency working group and to release relevant classified documents. 
    Udall, a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement: 
    “Beginning on Oct. 1, 1965, in Indonesia, between 500,000 and 1,000,000 individuals — many of them civilians - were killed by and with the support oof the Indonesian government. Many more were imprisoned without due process of law, making this one of the worst mass atrocities in the history of Indonesia. 
    “During this same era, our government continued military and financial support for Indonesia. As we mark the anniversary of this horrific period just 50 years ago, the United States and Indonesia must work to close this terrible chapter by declassifying information and officially recognizing the atrocities that occurred. Many of the killers are still alive and free, and their impunity prevents Indonesia from truly realizing its democratic potential. Victims and their descendants continue to be marginalized.
    “The United States should stand in favor of continued democratic progress for our vital ally Indonesia and allow these historical documents to be disclosed. Only by recognizing the past can we continue to work to improve human rights across the globe.” 



    S. RES. 253

    Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the need for reconciliation
    in Indonesia and disclosure by the United States Government of events
    surrounding the mass killings during 1965–66.


    Mr. UDALL of New Mexico submitted the following resolution; which was
    referred to the Committee on _______________


    Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the need for reconciliation in Indonesia and disclosure by the United States Government of events surrounding the mass killings during 1965–66.

    Whereas, on October 1, 1965, six Indonesian Army generals were killed by military personnel, including members of Indonesia’s Presidential Guard, and these killings were blamed on the Indonesian Communist Party and labeled an ‘‘attempted Communist coup d'état’’;

    Whereas this alleged coup was used to justify the mass killing of alleged supporters of the Indonesian Communist Party, with estimates of the number of dead ranging from 500,000 to 1,000,000 killed;

    Whereas the targeted individuals were predominantly unarmed civilians, and often included members of trade unions, intellectuals, teachers, ethnic Chinese, and those involved in the women’s movement;

    Whereas these killings and the imprisonment of up to 1,000,000 targeted individuals were done without due process of law;

    Whereas the targeted individuals were subject to extrajudicial execution, torture, rape, forced disappearance, forced labor, and forced eviction;

    Whereas the United States Central Intelligence Agency in a 1968 research study described the period as one of the worst mass murders of the twentieth century;

    Whereas the United States Government provided the Indonesian Army with financial, military, and intelligence support during the period of the mass killings, and did so aware that such killings were taking place as recorded in partially declassified documents in the Department of State history, ‘‘Foreign Relations of the United States’’, pertaining to this period;

    Whereas, within months of military leader Suharto’s assumption of the presidency following the mass killing, the United States Government began sending economic and military support to Suharto’s military regime, and played an indispensable role in its consolidation of power;

    Whereas aid to the Suharto government continued for more than three decades, despite on-going crimes against humanity committed by the Suharto government, including mass killing and other gross violations of human rights during the invasion and subsequent 24-year occupation of East Timor;

    Whereas perpetrators of the 1965–66 mass killings have largely lived with impunity, and the survivors and descendants of the victims suffer continuing discrimination economically and for decades had limited civil and political rights, as noted in the 2012 Indonesia National Commission on Human Rights report;

    Whereas the United States Government has not yet fully declassified all relevant documents concerning this time period, and full disclosure could help bring historical clarity to atrocities committed in Indonesia between 1965 and 1966;

    Whereas the United States Government has recently supported the declassification and release of documents in support of truth and reconciliation efforts following periods of violence in countries such as Chile and Brazil;

    Whereas open dialogue about alleged past crimes against humanity and past human rights violations is important for continued efforts to reconcile populations of Indonesia and to ensure a stable, sustainable peace that will benefit the region and beyond;

    Whereas, Indonesia has undergone a remarkable democratic transition over the last two decades, and is the world’s third largest democracy with the largest Muslim population in the world;

    Whereas through free and fair elections, the people of Indonesia have elected new leaders who now have the opportunity to establish a culture of accountability in partnership with the country’s vibrant civil society, press, academia, and human rights activists;

    Whereas the relationship between the United States and Indonesia is strong and involves many shared interests, as reflected in the 2010 United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership, including democracy and civil society, education, security, climate and environment, energy, and trade and investment;

    Whereas the economic relationship between the United States and Indonesia is strong, with bilateral goods trade exceeding $27,000,000,000 and with major United States companies making significant long-term investments in Indonesia; and

    Whereas strong relations between the United States and Indonesia are mutually beneficial to both countries: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved, That the Senate—

    (1) condemns the mass murder in Indonesia in 1965–66;

    (2) expresses great concern about the lack of accountability enjoyed by those who carried out crimes during this period;

    (3) urges political leaders in Indonesia to

    (A) consider a truth, justice, and reconciliation commission to address alleged crimes against humanity and other human rights violations, and

    (B) to work to mend differences and animosity that remain after the 1965–66 mass killings; and

    (4) calls on the Department of State, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, and others involved in developing and implementing policy towards Indonesia during this time period to establish an interagency working group to—

    (A) locate, identify, inventory, recommend for declassification, and make available to the public all classified records and documents concerning the mass killings of 1965 and1966, including records and documents pertaining to covert operations in Indonesia from January 1,1964 through March 30, 1966;

    (B) coordinate with Federal agencies and take such actions as necessary to expedite the release of such records to the public; and

    (C) submit a report to Congress describing all such records, the disposition of such records, and the activities of the Interagency Group.

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    Indonesia Floor Statement
    Senator Tom Udall
    December 10, 2014

    [ Video here ]

    Madame President, our nation and Indonesia enjoy a strong relationship, reflected in the U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership of 2010. This partnership is robust and growing. It serves both our countries, for bilateral, regional and global cooperation. The election of President Widodo in July is a step forward, part of a great democratic transition over the past two decades in Indonesia. We are working together -­ for economic growth, for the environment, and for our security.

    This is progress, and to be encouraged. Indonesia has a major role to play, as a regional and global leader. But, in that role, it must be an inclusive democracy. Key to this is to address past human rights abuses, specifically the mass murders committed in 1965 to 1966.

    Next year is the 50th anniversary of these killings. I rise today -­ International Human Rights Day -­ to introduce a resolution concerning these events, which Indonesia’s own Human Rights Commission has labeled a crime against humanity. But, let me be clear. This is not a censure of the people of Indonesia or Indonesia’s new government. It is an opportunity for justice and for reconciliation. The events took place decades ago. The reasons behind them are complex. But, that cannot justify ignoring the past or forgetting those who suffered under it. Nor can we ignore our own government’s role during that time.

    My resolution proposes two things. First, I urge Indonesia’s new government to create a truth and reconciliation commission to address these crimes. Second, I urge our own government to establish an interagency working group and to release relevant classified documents. We should make clear what was known to us, and we should make this information available.

    It is a painful history to recall. On October 1, 1965, six Indonesian Army generals were killed. According to scholars, these generals were killed by military personnel. But their deaths were blamed on Indonesia’s Communist Party, which was used to justify mass murders.

    The next few months were horrific for the Indonesian people. The C.I.A. has called it one of the worst periods of mass murders in the twentieth century. Hundreds of thousands were killed. Many others were imprisoned, tortured, raped, starved, and disappeared across the country. These individuals were targeted for their alleged association with Communism, but they came from all walks of life, including women’s groups, teachers, intellectuals, and others. Most were unarmed, and none had due process of law.

    The U.S. provided financial and military assistance during this time and later, according to documents released by the State Department, and General Suharto consolidated his power, ruling from 1967 until 1998.

    Some may ask. Why is this resolution needed? Why now? Here’s why. The survivors, and descendants of victims, continue to be marginalized. Many of the killers continue to live with impunity. Very few Americans are aware of these historical events, or our own government’s actions during this time. These events demand our attention and resolution, as we work together to build a strong Asia Pacific region.

    I am proud to serve on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. An important goal is the development of peaceful, stable democracies -­ democracies that provide security and hope to their own people, and economic opportunity with businesses in my state and across the U.S.

    Indonesia is the world’s third largest democracy. Its population is diverse. It has the largest Muslim majority population in the world. It has faced many challenges, and continues to move forward.

    A strong U.S.-Indonesia relationship benefits both our countries. I offer this resolution in support of that relationship, and Indonesia’s continued progress as a growing democracy and a vital U.S. ally.

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    The Look of Silence.

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