ETAN Press
Releases, Statements and Articles
2018 ,
2017 ,
2016 , 2015 , 2014 , 2013 , 2012 , 2011 , 2010 , 2009 , 2008 , 2007 , 2006 , 2005 , 2004 , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 and earlier
ETAN condemns Indonesian
military murder in West Papua, Urges suspension of U.S. security assistance
(November 9)
ETAN condemns visa to
Indonesia's Defense Minister Prabowo, calls him a "serial
rights violator" not worthy of U.S. visit
(October 12)
Prabowo Subianto
(October 12)
Letter to UK and US Ambassadors to UN on
Anniversary of 30 September Movement
(September 30)
ETAN West Papua Update
(June 10)
COVID-19 Jubilee White House, IMF, G20 Letter (May 18)
ETAN on the
Life of Dr. Dan Murphy
(April 16)
ETAN Condemns
Violence and Racism Against West Papuans ,
Calls for freeing Papuan Political
(May 1)
ETAN joins 240
organizations in demanding
an independent, thorough investigation of Indonesian
environmental lawyer Golfrid Siregar’s death
Read the full intenational solidarity letter
and list of signers
(October 31)
Timor-Leste Honors President
Bill Clinton: Setting the
Record Straigh t
(August 30)
U.S. National Security Archives:
U.S. sought to preserve
close ties to Indonesian
military as it terrorized
East Timor in run-up to
1999 independence referendum
More than 100 Organizations Urge Congress to
Reject Proposal to Weaken Gun Export Controls (May 13)
Joint Statement on on the
'Act of Free Choice'
Judicial Review Submission
PDF: Initial
court filing in Indonesian
(April 11)
Joint Statement:
UN General Assembly 73: Correcting the Record on Human Rights Violations
in West Papua and The 1969 UN
Resolution Regarding 'Act of Free Choice' (October 2) T APOL/ETAN:
West Papuan and Polish pair have been charged with treason in Indonesi
(September 7)
Public Statement on the
Prosecution Against Witness K and Bernard Collaery
by the Australian Government
( July 20, 2018)
Joint Statement of Solidarity:
20th Anniversary of the 'Biak
Massacre', West Papua
( July
6 2018)
Letter to U.S. Embassy about their
Facebook video on gender-based violence ( December
42 years after Timor-Leste declared
independence, ETAN honors and
encourages peaceful democracy ;
(November 23)
Timor-Leste selebra aniversáriu
proklamasaun independénsia da-42;
ETAN rekoñese no enkoraja ninia
demokrasia ho dame
ETAN condemns attack on Jakarta human rights gathering
(Sept. 18)
Statement of Solidarity for
Rohingya Community from Timor-Leste
(Sept. 11)
Indonesia: Government must make
public the 2005 fact-finding report
on Munir’s case (Sept.
ETAN: U.S. Congress supports Timor-Leste's right to
a fair maritime boundary with Australia (August 1)
Timor-Leste, Indonesia vote for total ban
on nuclear weapons (July 7)
ETAN message of support to Timor's
LGBTI community
( June
Human Rights Campaign:
Congress Sends Letter to Indonesia to Stop Government-Sponsored Anti-LGBTQ
Actions (June 19)
Timor-Leste Association of Ex-Political Prisoners and Klibur
send congratulations and solidarity to Palestinian Political Prisoners
(June 6)
Timor-Leste activists to UNESCO on
World Press Freedom Day 2017 celebration in Jakarta (April 30)
Tribute to Former U.S. Delegate Eni
(March 2017)
Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties of the Australian Parliament inquiry
on Consequences of termination of the Treaty on Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea
(March 7) 2016
Reflections 41 years after Invasion
Day, December 7 (December 7)
International, Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR),
East-Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN), La’o
Hamutuk, TAPOL, Watch Indonesia! and Asosiasaun HAK:
Indonesia: Close gap between rhetoric and reality on
1965 mass human rights violations
(October 1)
Indonesia: Penuhi jarak antara retorika dan realitas soal pelanggaran
HAM massif 1965
Madison City
Council To Hear from Timorese Visitor : Women's health advocate works with
Madison's sister city of Ainaro, Timor-Leste
(September 6)
Commemorating Referendum Day 30 August 1999 -
2016 and the International Day of the Enforced Disappearances
(August 30)
ETAN joins letter supporting
UN Human Rights Council
resolution on protecting
civil society
(June 29) also
Tetun ,
Bahasa Indonesia
ETAN Calls for an End to
Indonesia’s Silencing of
West Papuan Protesters;
Condemns Mass Arrests
(June 7)
Human Rights Lawyer Michael Ratner
(May 12)
ETAN, Amnesty International,
Tapol and Watch Indonesia:
Truth-Seeking and Formal
Public Apology Essential for
1965/1966 Resolution
(April 29)
ETAN Calls for an End to
Indonesia’s Silencing of
West Papuan Protesters;
Condemns Mass Arrests
(June 7)
Human Rights Lawyer Michael Ratner
(May 12)
ETAN, Amnesty International,
Tapol and Watch Indonesia:
Truth-Seeking and Formal
Public Apology Essential for
1965/1966 Resolution
(April 29)
ETAN stands in solidarity
with Indonesia's LGBT
(April 15)
Students of the University of Peace Write to Australia
(April 2)
ETAN et al:
Stop Japan's
Financing of Indonesia Coal
Plant (March 31)
Declarations to the Governments of
Australia and Timor-Leste
(March 22)
to the people of Timor-Leste
(March 18)
Movement Against the Occupation of
the Timor Sea Calls For an End to
Australian Occupation (Feb.23)
ANTI: We Welcome the President of
Indonesia to Timor-Leste, But Cannot Forget Cases of Crimes Against
Humanity (January 25)
Filep Karma Freed! (November 19)Condemn Recent Censorship of Discussions of 1965 (October 25) ETAN Urges Obama to Raise West Papua Rights with Indonesia President (October 24)1965: Evidence from Canadian Documents (October 27)ETAN Supports Senate Resolution on 50th Anniversary of 1965 Mass Violence in Indonesia (October 1)Watching The Look of Silence in Dili (August)
ETAN Condolences on Death Fernando "La
Sama" de Araujo (June 3)Groups Urge Free and Open Access to Papua (April 29)Protest Highlights Restrictions on Access to Papua (April 29)
Stopping the Killers From Killing: An Interview With Allan Nairn on Justice, Indonesia, West Papua, Timor-Leste, and Guatemala (January 8)
ETAN statement on Rule of Law in Timor-Leste /ETAN nia Afirmasaun kona-ba Estadu Direitu iha Timor-Leste (December 15)
ETAN Supports Senate Resolution on 1965 Mass Violence in Indonesia (December 11)
ETAN Opposes Appointment of Retired General Ryamizard Ryacudu as Defense Minister (October 26)ETAN in the News : Selected coverage of ETAN's opposition to the appointment of former Army Chief of Staff Ryamizard Ryacudu as Indonesia's Minister of Defense, in English. Portuguese and Bahasa Indonesian.
ETAN Backgrounder Breaking the Silence: The U.S. and Indonesia's Mass Violence (September)
ETAN Statement on 2014 Indonesian Election (July 10)
Groups Urge Any New Government of Indonesia to Pursue Justice and Respect Rights ; Rilis Media: Kelompok-kelompok yang Mendesak Pemerintah Baru Indonesia untuk Mengejar Keadilan dan Menghormati Hak Asasi. (June 30) Statement to the next government of Indonesia on human rights (June 30)
Allan Nairn on Prabowo
Prabowo, Part 3: The NSA, Militia Terror, Aceh, Servants, and "Slaves" (July 7)Breaking News: Indonesian Special Forces, Intelligence, in Covert Operation to Influence Election ; Bahasa Indonesia: Operasi Rahasia Kopassus dan BIN Untuk Mempengaruhi Hasil Pemilu (July 5)
Prabowo, Part 2: "I was the Americans' fair-haired boy." The Nationalist General and the United States by Allan Nairn /Prabowo, Bagian 2: “Saya anak kesayangan Amerika.” Sang Jenderal Nasionalis dan Amerika Serikat. (July 1)
Part 1 : "Do I have the guts," Prabowo asked, "am I ready to be called a fascist dictator?" Bahasa Indonesia: "Apa saya cukup punya nyali," tanya Prabowo, "apa saya siap jika disebut 'diktator fasis'?" (June 30)
ANTI: 34th Commemoration of the Marabia Incident (10 June 1980) and International Widows (June 23)
LH, et al: Timor-Leste President TMR Urged to Veto Media Law (May 30)
Urgent Appeal: Two Papuan students arrested and tortured for calling for the release of political prisoners (April 17)
Message from School of Americas Watch in support of April 24, 2014 Kissinger Demonstration (April 16)
ANTI's Observations of the 2014 Commemoration of the Liquisa Massacre; Judging the victims who are searching for truth and justice (April 7)
ANTI: Commemoration of the April 1999 Liquica Church Massacre; “Families of the Victim continue to live with uncertainty” (April 4)
ELECTION BACKGROUNDER Indonesia’s Militarized Democracy: Candidates bring proven records of violating human rights (March 26)
"Thank you cards: from Indonesian military found buried deep in the archives, in the back of a file cabinet.
ETAN projects images from the Oscar-nominated documentary THE ACT OF KILLING on World Bank headquarters (February 20)
Statement by Movement Against the Occupation of the Timor Sea (December 5)
WPAT condemns Indonesian violence targeting West Papuan demonstrators (November 29)
Indonesia keeps violating war and international humanitarian law regarding forced disappearances (November 28)
Indonesia and the School of the Americas (November 15)
From ETAN's Blog: ETAN on anniversary of Santa Cruz massacre (November 11) ANTI: Truth and Justice are the foundations for developing democracy in Timor-Leste - Joint Declaration Commemoration of the Santa Cruz Massacre (November 12)
Rights groups call on MSG to allow West Papuans to claim their Melanesian identity (October 15)
Open Letter to Westmont College on Kissinger and West Papua (October 8)
Join the Campaign>
In 1965-1966, up to a million Indonesians were massacred. Hundreds of thousands more were injured, disappeared, raped and imprisoned without trial. The United States and the United Kingdom secretly welcomed and supported the killings.
Open letter from civil society groups opposing the World Bank support of coal in Indonesia (October 2)
ETAN Urges President Obama to Put Human Rights at Center of U.S.-Indonesia Relations During Upcoming Visit to Indonesia (October 3) West Papua Advocacy Team Open Letter to President Obama (October 3)
WBEZ Worldview: Audio: United States to sell attack helicopters to Indonesia , interview with Ed McWilliams (September 9)
ANTI: Commemoration of International Day of Enforced Disappearances:"Bring them home" (September 3)
Groups Condemn Sale of Deadly Attack Helicopters to Indonesia (August 26)IPS: U.S. Sells Attack Helicopters to Indonesia amid Rights Concerns (August 26)
MUBELFOI: International Court for perpetrators who engaged in forcibly disappearing combatants (August 20)
Guatemalan path for Indonesian justice , by Andrew de Sousa (August 13)
Say Sorry for 65 background and more (July-August)
ETAN/WPAT Urge Justice on 15th Anniversary of Biak (West Papua) Massacre (July 4)
ANTI: We are very sad because you are starting to forget and ignore the history of suffering and the past that is still painful! (June 20)
Pacific teach-in sends message of support to West Papuan political prisoners (June 5)
View from Jakarta: World Statements Against Religious Violence (May 26)
View from Jakarta: The room was papered with signatures (May 24)
View from Jakarta: No World Statesman Award for SBY (May 22)
Media Advisory- Groups to Protest 'Democracy' Award to Kissinger (May 22, 2013), also Protesters Challenge Kissinger Role in 'Preserving Freedom and Democracy (May 26)
TAPOL/ETAN/WPAT et al: Urgent Appeal: freedom of expression in Papua (May 22)
Comments on the U.S. Department of State's Annual Country Report on Human Rights for 2012 Concerning Indonesia/West Papua (May 15)
ETAN/WPAT: Groups Call on U.S. to Condemn Indonesian Attacks on Peaceful Demonstrations in West Papua (May 3) also ABC Radio Australia: Interview with WPAT's Ed McWilliams (May 7)
ANTI: Joint Statement on International Day for the Right to the Truth and Justice for Victims: ANTI demands for the State of Timor-Leste to not ignore the rights of victims (March 22)
ETAN to Jakarta West Papua Solidarity Conference (March 21)
Freedom in Entangled Worlds: West Papua and the Architecture of Global Power . A Review by Ed McWilliams for ETAN (March 20)
"Petition for urgent action to realize justice for the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery in Timor-Leste during WWII" handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (February 22)
Response to a Call to Apply Indonesia's Anti-Terrorism Law in West Papua by Ed McWilliams (January 31)
West Papua Advocacy Team Urges Unrestricted Visit by UN Special Rapporteur (January 13)
ETAN/West Papua Advocacy Team: Nine Questions for Sen. John Kerry, nominee for Secretary of State, on Indonesia, Timor-Leste and West Papua (January 22)
Prabowo and Papua (January 2013)
UN Meets on Anniversary of Massacre: ETAN Urges UN and U.S. to Act for Justice for Timor-Leste (November 12)
ANTI/Amnesty International: Tackling Impunity in Timor-Leste and Indonesia: Justice Is the Only Way ( November 12)
WPAT: Letter to Secretary of State Clinton on West Papua Concerns (August 31)
What it means to celebrate the 30th August: Joint Statement from ANTI Members Regarding Forced Disappearances (August 29)
ANTI: Letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on UN responsibility for justice (August 14)
Groups Respond to Mystery List of Papua Supporters (July 30)
ANTI: Timor-Leste demands justice - “Because we love peace, and we want the truth to strengthen reconciliation” (May 18)
10 Years After Timor's Independence, Where Is the Justice? (May16)
ETAN writes on health care for Papuan political prisoner Filep Karma (April 22)
Timorese General's Election Threats Undermine Democracy, Rule of Law ; Jenerál Timor nia Ameasa kona-ba Eleisaun bele Estraga Estadu de Direitu Demokrátiku (April 12)
Groups Urge U.S. Not to Sell Attack Helicopters to Indonesia (March 30)
Pulling together: Solidarity Work and western aid to the Indonesian police and military . A view from Aotearoa/New Zealand (February 27)
West Papua Advocacy Team on Rep. Donald Payne 1934-2012 (March 10)
Statement for Phoenix Occupy Freeport Demonstration (February 3)
Waging Nonviolence: Strike at Freeport settled, mine’s scars linger (December 17)
Read Reflections, Reminiscences and Comments on ETAN at 20
John M. Miller: Reflecting on ETAN at 20 (December 10)
On 20th Anniversary of Timor Massacre, Rights Network Urges Justice, ETAN Says U.S. and UN Must Act , (November 12)
ETAN's Charles Scheiner reflects on Santa Cruz massacre and solidarity (November 12)
WIN Magazine: Food vs. Forests, Profits vs. People By Octo Mote and John M. Miller
November 7 Protest Rejects Honoring of Henry Kissinger by New-York Historical Society
VIDEO On October 28, ETAN, Occupy Phoenix and others picketed Freeport-McMoran headquarters in Phoenix, AZ: ETAN's Elizabeth Venable talk about Arizona protest on FSRN (October 28) Video report is here
Media Advisory: Protest to Reject Honoring Henry Kissinger by New-York Historical Society (October 25)
Congressmember Faleomavaega Calls on Indonesia to Assure Safe and Humane Treatment of West Papuans in Custody and to Work for Their Release (October 21)
About the Timorese runners in the 2011 NYC marathon (October 22)
WPAT/ETAN: Statement on Strike at Freeport McMoran's Mining Operation in West Papua (October 21)
Tapol, WPAT, ETAN: Indonesian crackdown on Papuan Congress sparks outrage (October 20)
Food vs. Forests, Profits vs. People By Octo Mote and John M. Miller (Summer)
Groups worldwide urge debt-free Timor-Leste not to borrow , Pending loans could endanger Timor's future (September 8)
WPAT STATEMENT: Papuans Must Be Afforded the Right to Self-determination (September)
ANTI: Resolving Past Crimes Against Humanity is Key to Opening the Door to Truth and Justice now and in the future… (August 30)
26 Members of the House of Representatives Write Indonesia President to Call for Release of Papuan Prisoner Filep Karma (August 18)
Empty promises whitewash Freeport's rights, responsibility record (August 7)
Step by Step: Women of East Timor, Stories of Resistance and Survival (July 28)
Say it ain't so, Mo! - Nike in Indonesia (July 26)
West Papua Advocacy Team Writes Secretary of State Clinton on Indonesian military operation in Puncak Jaya (July 20)
Global support for human rights and human rights defenders in West Papua (July 14)
Faleomavaega receives Humanitarian Award for Defense of Human Rights in West Papua (July 14)
Timorese call on the UN Security Council to ensure accountability for crimes against humanity (February 9)
Update: US Embassy in Dili admits mistake about worker's rights (February 9)
ETAN: Letter to State Department on issuing visas to U.S. in Dili (February 2)
Light Sentences for Rights Violators Spark Calls for Suspension of Aid to Abusive and Unaccountable Indonesian Military (January 25) 2010
Timor Postings , a separate section of this web site, offers news and analysis from sources worldwide.
ETAN: Letter on labor dispute at U.S. Embassy in Dili (December 22)
Letter to Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) as He Leaves Congress (December 13)
Indonesia Respect Rights of Papuan Prisoners Filep Karma and Buchtar Tabuni (December 9)
ETAN - and the peoples of East Timor and Indonesia - Will Miss Senator Feingold (November 10)
ETAN/WPAT: Suspend Training and Funding of Indonesian Police Unit Detachment 88 (September 29)
ETAN/WPAT Urge Obama Administration to Reject Dino Patti Djalal as Indonesia's Ambassador (September 15)
Groups Urge President of Indonesia to Release Papuan Political Prisoners, Change Law (August 16)
50 Members of U.S. Congress Call Upon Obama Administration to Make West Papua One of Its Highest Priorities (August 1)
ETAN Condemns U.S. Plan to Get Back in Bed with Indonesia's Kopassus Killers (July 22)WPAT: Statement Regarding U.S. Government's Decision to Resume Cooperation with Indonesian Special Forces (Kopassus) (July 22)Secretary of Gate Goes to Jakarta Bearing Kopassus Gift (July 22)
WPAT: Concerns about operations in Puncak Jaya Region of West Papua (June 18)
New Kopassus Number 2 Organized Militia in 1998-1999 (June 18)
ETAN's Charles Scheiner receives Timor-Leste's Princess Grace of Monaco award (May 20)
ETAN/WPAT: Comments on the U.S. Department of State Country reports on Human Rights Practices for 2009 (April 12)
ETAN: Letter to Timor_Leste President José Ramos-Horta on Justice and Accountability (March 23)
Allan Nairn: Washington's Indonesian Bully Boys (March 22)
ETAN: Open Letter to President Barack Obama on His 2010 Visit to Indonesia (March 18)
Four Jakarta NGOs Reject the Plan to Train Kopassus (March 18)
West Papua Advocacy Team: Statement on International Crisis Group report - and its coverage (March 16)
Imparsial: Statement towards the visit of The United States of America's President Barack Obama (March 11)
U.S. Training of Kopassus: A Bad Idea Whose Time Has Not Come (March 4)
ETAN To Obama Administration: U.S. military assistance will harm reform and set back human rights (February 27)
TL Groups write UN Security Council on Justice with international support (February 2)
WPAT/ETAN: Naming of Senior Kopassus Officer as Indonesia Military Commander Undermines West Papua ( January 23)
Indonesian General Sjafrie Sjamsuddin Not Fit for Civilian Defense Post ( January 9)
ETAN/WPAT: Statement on Killing of Papuan Leader Kelly Kwalik ( December 19)
Dili Insider blog shuts down due to threats (December 18, 2009)
WPAT/ETAN: Flawed History - What Goes Un-Noted in the State Department's "Background Notes" on Indonesia (December)
Federation against disappearances meets President Ramos-Horta, urges treaty ratification (November 25)
Joint Letter on Defamation Case against Usman Hamid of KontraS (November 23)
Chairmen Faleomavaega and Payne Call on Indonesian President to Establish Dialogue with West Papua Leaders (November 9)
Joint Letter to UN Security Council on Justice and Accountability for Serious Crimes Committed in Timor-Leste (October 20)
ETAN/WPAT: Letter to Michael H. Posner, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor ( October 13)
ETAN: Statement on Western Sahara Prepared for Delivery to the United Nations Fourth Committee (October 2009)
Joint Statement between ETAN and Indonesian Human Rights Groups on Martenus Bere and Justice for Timor-Leste (September 12)
Solidarity Statement on the Arrest of Young Timorese Students (September 1)
Klibur Solidaridade Timor-Leste / Timor-Leste Solidarity Group: Conference Declaration / Deklarasaun husi Konferensia (August 29) ETAN to Gather in Timor-Leste for Anniversary of Historic Independence Vote (August 12)
WPAT: Impunity at the Freeport Gold & Copper Mine: Will Indonesian Security Forces Get Away with It Again? (July 23)
U.S. Groups Oppose Training of Indonesia's Notorious Kopassus Special Forces (July 23)
House of Representatives Signals Ongoing Concern About Human Rights in Indonesia and E Timor (July 10)
ETAN on Democracy Now! on Indonesian elections, SBY and Timika killings (July 8)
ETAN/Kontras: Joint Statement on Accountability in the Run-up to the Indonesian Presidential Elections ; Pernyataan bersama tentang akuntabilitas dalam pemilihan presiden Indonesia (July 2)
Indonesia's SBY Implicated in Cover Up of Ambush Murder of U.S. Citizens (July 1)
Groups Disappointed by U.S. House of Representatives Removal of Provision Highlighting West Papua (June 22)
West Papua Advocacy Team (WPAT) Statement on Sweep Operation in Puncak Jaya (June 22)
U.S. Military Restrictions and Indonesian Military Plane Crash (May 20)
Groups Urge U.S. Action on West Papua Rights as Security Situation Deteriorates (April 10)
East Timorese Deserve Justice! Statement by ETAN on the Anniversary of the Liquiça Massacre (April 4)
Liquiça survivors still seeking justice, human rights and truth (April 4)
Comments on the U.S. Department of State Country reports on Human Rights Practices for 2008 (March 23)
Inside Indonesia - Obama’s Indonesia question: Will the US president continue unrestricted aid to Indonesia’s military? (March)
Indonesia Policy: Avoiding Past Mistakes - Ed McWilliams (March 11)
NGO Letter to UN Security Council on Justice and Accountability (also Tetum ) (February 18)
Groups Write Secretary of State Clinton on Eve of Her Visit to Indonesia (also Bahasa Indonesia ) (February 17)
NGO Letter to UN Security Council on Justice and Accountability (also Tetum ) (February 18)
ETAN response to Admiral Dennis Blair's Statements to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence ( January 28)
Ed McWilliams: Rethink needed on US arms to Indonesia (Asia Times Op-ed) (January 28)
ETAN urges dropping of defamation charges against Timorese editor (January 26)
WPAT: Appeal To Secretary of State Clinton Regarding Human Rights in West Papua (January 24)
Adm. Blair Poor Choice as Director of National Intelligence, Says Rights Group; Blair’s History with Indonesia and East Timor Raises Questions about Likely Nominee
Joint Letter on Recent Papua Human Rights Cases - Buktar Tabuni (arrested) and Mr. Yosias Syet (murdered) (December 15)
ETAN Urges President-elect Obama Not to Appoint Adm. Blair Director of National Intelligence ; ETAN Menolak Adm. Blair sebagai Kepala Intelijen Nasional (December 5)
Foreign Policy in Focus - Obama: Stand Up to the Indonesian Military (December 4)
Standing Up for Human Rights by Restricting Military Assistance to Indonesia - ETAN Response to the Wall Street Journal editorial, "Obama's Indonesia Test" (November 25)
Question the Candidates in Election 2008 (October)
Statement on the operations of the Freeport McMoran Mine in West Papua , to the U.S. Senate hearing on Extracting Natural Resources: Corporate Responsibility and the Rule of Law ( September 24)
Election 2008: Where the Presidential Candidates Stand on Indonesia and East Timor (September 7)
Indicted Officer, Col. Siagian, Removed from West Papua, ETAN Urges His Prosecution (August 21)Joint statement of Amnesty International USA, ETAN, and West Papua Advocacy Team Concerning Congressional Letter to President Yudhoyono (August 18)
Congress Demands Action on West Papua Political Prisoners as Human Rights Violations Persist , also in Bahasa Indonesia (August 7)
Response to State Department Informational Report on Indonesia, FY 2008 (July)ETAN Urges New Rights Commissioner to Advocate for Justice for East Timorese Victims (July 24)
ETAN on the Report of Joint Commission on Truth and Friendship , Calls for Meaningful Justice for Victims of Indonesian Occupation (July 14)Joint NGO Statement on the Handover of the Report of the Commission of Truth and Friendship (July 15)
ETAN Urges Respect for Right to Protest in Timor-Leste (July 10)International Coalition Urges UN to Take Active Role Promoting Justice for East Timorese (June 1)
Congressmembers Urge Greater U.S. Commitment to Promote Justice for Timorese Call for U.S. Response to CAVR Report (April 25)United States Should Support Justice, not Endorse Impunity, says ETAN; Administration Should Respond to CAVR Report, Not Endorse CTF (April 4)
Background on Kopassus and Brimob (April)ETAN: Guide to U.S. Security Assistance to Indonesia and East Timor (revised April 2008)
ETAN/WPAT: Comments on the on the U.S. Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2007 (March 30)
ETAN/WPAT: Letter to Secretary of State Rice on Recent Arrests in W Papua (March 25) Joint T-L Civil Society Petition: Dissolve the CTF, Try the Perpetrators of Crimes and Provide Reparations to the Victims! (March 18)Groups write to Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates on Indonesia (March 17)
Read the ETAN leaflet that former U.S. Amb. to Indonesia Edward Masters called "scurrilous": Remembering A Shared History: Suharto and the United States (March 7)
FPIF: Indonesia’s Arms Appetite by Frida Berrigan (February 27)Letter from 20 national organizations requesting hearings on militarization of U.S. foreign assistance (February 27)
ETAN statement on attacks on the President and Prime Minister of Timor-Leste (Feb. 11) LH: UN sets justice bar low, then declines to jump , UNMIT fails to carry out its mandate to investigate 1999 crimes; also La'o Hamutuk letter to UN Security Council and TAPOL/Progressio letter to Foreign Office (6 February)
ETAN/WPAT: Letter to U.S. Ambassador Hume on His Condolences on Death of Suharto (January 29)Accountability for Suharto’s Crimes Must Not Die With Him Also Bahasa Indonesia ; Tetum ETAN: Backgrounder on Life and Career Suharto Also Bahasa Indonesia: Tentang Soeharto (January 27)
Timor Votes in 2007
Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET) reports and more
Bush Administration Trains Members of Indonesian Terrorist Groups; Abandons Human Rights for Indonesia to Train Kopassus, Brimob
Bahasa Indonesia: Pemerintahan President Bush Melatih Para Anggota Kelompok Teroris Indonesia (December 19)
ETAN Statement on military assistance to Indonesia in the FY2008 Consolidated Appropriations bill (HR 2764)
(December 18)As UN Secretary-General Visits Timor, Rights Groups Urge Leadership for Justice and Accountability (December 13) ETAN: Guide to U.S. Security Assistance to Indonesia and East Timor (November) ETAN: An Overview Justice Processes and Commissions for Timor-Leste (revised, November)
As Security Council Visits Timor-Leste, Rights Groups Call For Justice and Accountability (November)Australian Inquest into Balibo Journalists Killings in East Timor Shows Ongoing Need to Pursue Justice and Accountability (November 16)
Briefing on Special Autonomy Issue in West Papua
Letter to Secretary of State Rice on Iwanggin Sabar Olif (October 31)
IFET: Statement to the Alternative Public Hearing against the Indonesia-Timor-Leste Truth and Friendship Commission Text: English , Tetum (September 29)
Report of the Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET) On the Timor-Leste 2007 Parliament Election (English and Tetum ) (August 25)SOMET Calls for End to Violence and Instability in Timor-Leste (August 9)
The UN Right Not to Cooperate with Joint Indonesia-Timor "Truth" Commission Farce (July 28)Indonesian Military “Counterterrorism” Equals More Repression (July 24)SOMET Congratulates the People of Timor-Leste on Parliamentary Election (July 4)
Indonesia: Remove Timor-indicted colonel from West Papua; Crimes against humanity suspect a threat to Papuans (June 28)Election Observation Teams to monitor in all 13 Districts for East Timorese election (June 26)U.S. House of Representatives Calls for Human Rights Accountability and Military Reform in Indonesia (June 22)Statement by Shirley Shackleton to Coroner Dorelle Pinch at the Inquest re Brian Peters, June 1, 2007
Building Global Partnerships Act of 2007: NGO Letter of Opposition
(May 30)
Rights Groups Call For End To Farcical Joint Timor-Indonesia Commission; Write Presidents of Indonesia and Timor-Leste (May 24)
SOMET: Amendments to the Law on the Election of the National Parliament (May 23)Report of the Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET) on the Timor-Leste 2007 Presidential Elections (also in Tetum ) (May 22)
ETAN: Indicted Indonesian General Leads Joint Military Exercise with U.S. (April 26)
Report of the Solidarity Observer Mission for East Timor (SOMET) on the first round of the Timor-Leste 2007 Presidential Elections (also in Tetum ) (April 18)
SOMET Congratulates the People of Timor-Leste on First National Election (April 10)
ETAN: Statement to House of Representatives, Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs on the fiscal year 2008 budget (March 29) ETAN: Submission to Joint Standing Committee on Treaties Inquiry into Maritime Arrangements Treaty with East Timor (March 15)
ETAN: An Overview Justice Processes and Commissions for Timor-Leste (February)
ETAN: Joint Commission Unlikely to Further Truth or Friendship Between Timor and Indonesia (February 22)
Timor Postings - News from world's press updated weekly by ETAN from the east-timor (reg.easttimor) newsgroup