ETAN projects images from the Oscar-nominated documentary THE ACT OF KILLING on World Bank HQ
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postcard to World Bank, found deep in the archives. #taok

latest postcard from the deep archives This one a thanks to Time Magazine

Postcard to ExxonMobil, found deep in the archives. #taok

TNI writes Freeport McMoRan a note of thanks.

Mock 'thank you cards" from Indonesia found buried deep in the archives, well in the back of a file cabinet. Click on each to read and for more information and background.

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Attention media: For high quality photos and video footage of the action, contact John M. Miller, +1-718-596-7668

Jaringan Aksi Timor Leste dan Indonesia/East Timor and Indonesia Action Network menyorotkan film unggulan Oscar, “Jagal”, di dinding kantor pusat Bank Dunia

Photos by ETAN. Projection by Robin Bell.

East Timor and Indonesian Action Network projects the Oscar-nominated documentary THE ACT OF KILLING on World Bank headquarters

Human Rights group calls on World Bank to acknowledge role in the mass killing of one million Indonesians

The World Bank gave $30 billion to a dictator who killed 1 million. Photo by Dakota Bell.  

February 20, 2014 – The Oscar-nominated documentary THE ACT OF KILLING was projected on the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C. Thursday in an action by the East Timor and Indonesian Action Network.  The group is calling on the World Bank to acknowledge its role in the 1965 military coup in Indonesia that lead to the massacre of an estimated one million civilians. The World Bank helped prop up the corrupt government of Suharto, the general who lead the coup and ordered the mass killings. The Bank sent the Suharto regime $30 billion in development aid over the course of three decades despite knowing $10 billion had been looted by the government.

“THE ACT OF KILLING powerfully highlights the ongoing impunity within Indonesia for the 1965 mass murders,” said John M. Miller of the East Timor and Indonesian Action Network. “Tonight we highlight the World Bank's support for the Suharto regime, which knowingly backed his corrupt government while his post-coup body count climbed. Support from the Bank, the U.S. and others emboldened Suharto to illegally invade East Timor, consolidate control over West Papua, and brutalize and rob his own people.

"We urge the World Bank to acknowledge its role in Suharto's many crimes and to apologize and provide reparations to the survivors. Institutions like the World Bank must also be held accountable for their financial assistance to the murderers and decades of support as they continued to violate human rights.”

“The World Bank gave $30 billion dollars to a dictator who killed an estimated one million of his own citizens,” said THE ACT OF KILLING filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer. “The murderers spent years profiting off of their heinous crimes with the World Bank and other global financial institutions footing the bill.”

Video by Chris Belcher. Projections by Robin Bell/Bell Visuals.

THE ACT OF KILLING, currently Oscar-nominated for Best Documentary feature, has been recognized as one of the best films of 2014. The film has received over 60 awards including Best Documentary from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA). While the mass killings of 1965 are an open secret in Indonesia, the government has never acknowledged or apologized for sponsoring the murders. THE ACT OF KILLING, which has been shown in thousands of private screenings and is available free online throughout Indonesia, is empowering victims’ families to demand reparations from the government for the first time.

About East Timor and Indonesian Action Network

The East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN) advocates for democracy, justice and human rights for Timor-Leste, West Papua and Indonesia. In 2012, the government of the Democratic Republic Timor-Leste awarded ETAN the Order of Timor (Ordem Timor) for its role in the liberation of the country. More information about ETAN can be found at:  



Institutions like the World Bank must also be held accountable for their financial assistance to the murderers and decades of support as they continued to violate human rights.

In THE ACT OF KILLING, directed by Joshua Oppenheimer and executive produced by Errol Morris and Werner Herzog, the filmmakers expose a corrupt regime that celebrates death squad leaders as heroes.

When the Indonesian government was overthrown in 1965, small-time gangster Anwar Congo and his friends went from selling movie tickets on the black market to leading death squads in the mass murder of over a million opponents of the new military dictatorship. Anwar boasts of killing hundreds with his own hands, but he's enjoyed impunity ever since, and has been celebrated by the Indonesian government as a national hero. When approached to make a film about their role in the genocide, Anwar and his friends eagerly comply—but their idea of being in a movie is not to provide reflective testimony. Instead, they re-create their real-life killings as they dance their way through musical sequences, twist arms in film noir gangster scenes, and gallop across prairies as Western cowboys. Through this filmmaking process, the moral reality of the act of killing begins to haunt Anwar and his friends with varying degrees of acknowledgment, justification and denial. More information about the film can be found at

Congratulations to The Act of Killing on its Oscar Nomination
Order the documentary here and support ETAN

TAKE ACTION: Join the Say Sorry for 65 Campaign

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Blu-Ray (2 discs) DVD (2 discs)

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Jaringan Aksi Timor Leste dan Indonesia/East Timor and Indonesia Action Network menyorotkan film unggulan Oscar, “Jagal”, di dinding kantor pusat Bank Dunia

Kelompok hak asasi manusia menyerukan Bank Dunia agar mengakui perannya dalam pembunuhan massal satu juta orang Indonesia

21 Februari 2014—Film dokumenter unggulan Oscar JAGAL (The Act of Killing) disorotkan pada dinding kantor pusat Bank Dunia di Washington, D.C. dalam sebuah aksi yang diorganisasi oleh Jaringan Aksi Timor Leste dan Indonesia (ETAN). Kelompok ini menyerukan agar Bank Dunia mengakui perannya dalam kudeta militer 1965 yang mengawali sebuah pembantaian massal dengan korban diperkirakan satu juta orang. Bank Dunia membantu menopang pemerintahan korup di bawah pimpinan Soeharto, seorang jenderal yang memimpin kudeta dan memerintahkan pembunuhan massal. Bank Dunia memberikan dana sebesar 30 milyar dolar kepada rezim Soeharto dalam bentuk bantuan pembangunan selama tiga dasawarsa sekalipun mengetahui bahwa 10 milyar dolar diantaranya dirampok oleh pemerintah.

“Film JAGAL dengan tegas menyoroti impunitas yang masih berlangsung di Indonesia pada kasus pembunuhan massal 1965,” kata John M. Miller dari Jaringan Aksi Timor Leste dan Indonesia. “Malam ini kami menyoroti dukungan Bank Dunia pada rezim Soeharto, yang dengan sepengetahuan mereka, mendukung pemerintahan korup Soeharto pada saat jumlah korban yang berjatuhan pasca kudeta terus bertambah. Kami mendesak Bank Dunia untuk mengakui perannya dalam banyak kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh Soeharto dan untuk meminta maaf serta memberikan kompensasi bagi para penyintas. Lembaga seperti Bank Dunia juga harus bertanggung jawab dan digugat atas bantuan keuangannya kepada para pembunuh dan puluhan tahun dukungan sekalipun para penerima bantuan itu terus melakukan pelanggaran hak-hak azasi manusia.”

 Photos by Dakota Bell.

“Bank Dunia memberikan 30 milyar dolar kepada seorang diktator yang membunuh kira-kira satu juta orang warganya sendiri,” kata sutradara film JAGAL Joshua Oppenheimer. “Para pembunuh ini mengambil keuntungan ekonomis selama bertahun-tahun dari kejahatannya sementara Bank Dunia dan lembaga keuangan global lainnya menjadi pemodalnya.

Selama beberapa minggu akhir-akhir ini, Joshua mendesak bangsa-bangsa di luar Indonesia untuk melihat keterlibatan mereka sendiri dalam kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan tahun 1965. Pada sebuah pemutaran di Capitol Hill yang dihadiri senator dan anggota konggres beserta staf pada Kamis lalu, Joshua mendesak pemerintah Amerika Serikat untuk membuka semua dokumen rahasia CIA yang berkaitan dengan operasi terselubung di Indonesia di tahun 1963-1966. “Adalah sebuah kemunafikan jika Amerika Serikat tidak mengkaji ulang perannya dalam kejahatan kemanusiaan ini,” demikian ditegaskan Joshua Oppenheimer.

Photo by Dakota Bell.  

Dalam pidato sambutan penghargaan Akademi Kesenian Film dan Televisi Inggris (BAFTA) untuk kategori Dokumenter Terbaik, Joshua mengatakan, “Saya menyerukan agar kita semua mengkaji diri, dan mengakui bahwa kita lebih dekat dengan para pelaku dari yang ingin kita percayai. Inggris dan Amerika Serikat membantu pelaksanaan genosida, dan selama berpuluh tahun dengan penuh semangat mendukung pemerintahan diktator militer Indonesia yang berkuasa melalui sebuah genosida. Kita tidak akan memiliki hubungan yang etis dan konstruktif dengan Indonesia (dan dengan begitu banyak negara Selatan), sampai kita mengakui kejahatan di masa lalu tersebut, juga mengakui peran kolektif kita dalam mendukung, ikut serta, dan, pada akhirnya, mengabaikan semua kejahatan itu.”

Film JAGAL yang disorotkan ke dinding kantor pusat Bank Dunia pada hari Kamisi ini menandai dimulainya kampanye “SAYA MENGHORMATI” untuk mengenang korban-korban pembunuhan massal. Para pendukung akan mengirimkan twit foto mereka sendiri dengan tulisan “SAYA MENGHORMATI KORBAN NOMOR….” untuk memanusiakan setiap korban dalam jumlah yang diperkirakan mencapai satu juta orang dan untuk mendesak Bank Dunia, dan badan internasional lainnya, untuk mengakui keterlibatan mereka dalam pembunuhan massal itu secara terbuka.

Tentang Jaringan Aksi Timor Leste dan Indonesia
Jaringan Aksi Timor Leste dan Indonesia (ETAN) melakukan advokasi untuk demokrasi, keadilan, dan hak-hak azasi manusia untuk Timor-Leste, Papua Barat, dan Indonesia. Pada 2012, pemerintah Republik Demokratik Timor Leste menganugerahi Ordem Timor kepada ETAN untuk perannya membebaskan negeri Timor Leste. Informasi lebih jauh tentang ETAN dapat dibaca pada


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