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30 years for human rights, justice and democracy
East Timor and Indonesia Action Network
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Banner: Atrocities on Kissinger's Watch
Henry Kissinger Dies at 100: Greenlit Invasion and Illegally Provided Weapons to Indonesia
ANTI: We strongly oppose impunity:
We strongly oppose Prabowo Subianto that has been accused of serious crimes returning to power

also Kami dengan tegas melawan impunitas Menolak dengan tegas terdakwa Prabowo Subianto kembali berkuasa; Ami firme kontinua kontra impunidade:Rejeita no kontra makaas akuzadu Jenerál Prabowo Subianto fila ba kaer póder no ukun
Donald Weatherbee
  A Death and an Election
Donald Weatherbee and Timor-Leste
by Chris Lundry, ETAN Executive Committee member
Professor-investigador, Centro de Estudios de Asia y África, El Colegio de Mexico
ETAN condemns child abuse committed by a British Timor-Leste supporter

ETAN kondena abuzu hasoru labarik sira ne'ebé apoiante Timor-Leste nian husi Inglaterra halo
SCviva.jpg (32586 bytes)
30 Years On Justice for Timorese Remains Elusive

ETAN Says That It Is NeverToo Late to Hold Accountable Those Responsible for Santa Cruz Massacre

Timor-Leste Students &Friends
Sorumutu Virtual 2022

April 9 4- 8 p.m. CDT (North America) * April 10 6-10 a.m. OTL (Timor-Leste)

Download and read the Program booklet from the meeting

ETAN Student Gathering
Former East Timorese pro-integration militia leader Eurico Guterres (left) – Undated (Detik)
ETAN, Tapol, Watch Indonesia!: President Widodo Should Revoke Award for Eurico Guterres

Committing Crimes Against Humanity is Not for Celebration
Carmel in Dili August 2009. Photo by Charles Scheiner.


ETAN Celebrates the Life of Carmel Budiardjo, Mourns Her Passing

Participants in Timor-Leste's 2019 Gay Pride parade in Dili.


ETAN Honors LGBTIQ+ Pride in Timor-Leste

Myanmar protests!

ETAN Calls for End to Military Coup and Repression in Myanmar
Topu Honis orphanage

Sexual Abuse Case an Opportunity for Justice and Healing
Kazu Abuzu Seksuál mak Oportunidade ba Justisa no Hadi'a-an

ETAN condemns Indonesian military murder in West Papua, Urges suspension of U.S. security assistance
Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto holds a bilateral meeting with his United States counterpart Defense Secretary Mark Thomas Esper in Bangkok.
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ETAN condemns visa to Indonesia's Defense Minister Prabowo, calls him a "serial rights violator" not worthy of U.S. visit

Sign ETAN's Petition: SECRETARY OF STATE POMPEO Enforce Visa Ban on Indonesia's Prabowo



Tapol/ETAN Webinar:
Indonesia: Free the West Papuan Political Prisoners

 Watch archived copy online here

Free West Papua Political Prisonrs Sign ETAN's Petition: Free West Papua Political Prisoners

ETAN: West Papua Update
Keep up with Coronavirus COVID-19 News from Timor-Leste, Indonesia and West Papua

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Dr. Dan. Courtesy of Medical Aid to East Timor  

ETAN on the Life of Dr. Dan Murphy
Papuans Behind Bars logoPapuans Behind Bars: An online resource about political prisoners in West Papua - Jan 2018 - Oct 2019:
New political prisoners, treason charges and lack judicial transparency in political prisoner cases

Download PDF here
Demonstration for Justice in Dili. Photo by Karen Orenstein/ETAN
Sign ETAN's Petition
Support Justice for Timor-Leste, End Impunity

We must end impunity to ensure a future filled with justice and peace.
-Pam, California, USA

It was the international community which supported Indonesia in its brutal invasion and occupation of East Timor (Timor-Leste). It is the responsibility of the international community to now call Indonesia to account.
-Sr. Susan Connelly, Australia
MKOTT: Public Statement on the Prosecution Against Witness K and Bernard Collaery by the Australian Government
ETAN logoTapol/ETAN:
Joint Statement on the 'Act of Free Choice' Judicial Review Submission

PDF: Initial court filing in Indonesian
Gute NevesETAN is an incredible organization. It was an important part of our struggle for self-determination, struggle for the permanent Maritime Boundary with Australia, and during the last 19 years, it has been part of Timorese struggle to reconstruct and to rebuild its country.  At this critical juncture of Timor's development, it is critical to walk together with Timorese to achieve our dream for better life where every citizen has the conditions to meet its basic rights, including the economic and social rights to have a dignified life. -Gute Neves

Support ETAN! Thank you.
Suppport ETAN in 2019. Donate.David WebsterSupport ETAN

The Indonesian army is not running Indonesia any longer, but it is still powerful. The architects of attempted genocide still walk free. Timorese people's struggle for fair and people-centered development goes on. The Indonesian army still carries out in West Papua some of the tactics it pioneered in Timor-Leste. Activism is still needed, solidarity is still needed and it can still make a difference to Timorese and Indonesian struggles. No group has made this point more persistently than ETAN, which needs and merits support.  -David Webster
Support for Witness K and Bernard Collaery in Timor-Leste. Photo La'o HamutukMKOTT: Timor-Leste Government should use the Celebration of 20 Years after the Referendum to Call for Freedom for Bernard Collaery and “Witness K”
UN General AssemblyETAN/TAPOL: UN General Assembly 73:
Correcting the Record on Human Rights Violations in West Papua and The 1969 UN Resolution Regarding 'Act of Free Choice'
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Action alerts, media releases, key news and other resources on Timor-Leste (East Timor) and Indonesia selected by ETAN, focused on ETAN's program and priorities
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Timor, West Papua and Indonesia

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Gift Books Order from ETAN Learn Tetun
The Hammer Blow by Andrea Needham Activist Archives: Youth Culture and the Poltiical Past in Indonesia HISTORY OF TIMOR-LESTE Frédéric B. Durand Bonded through tragedy, united in hope; the Catholic Church & East Timor’s Struggle for independence. A memoir.  Crossing the Line: Australia's Secret History in the Timor Sea  Xanana by Sara Niner Tetun English Word Fincer
Free Tais Bookmark with every order of  $50 or more, while supplies last.
Order from Amazon, Support ETAN
The Killing Season: A History of the Indonesian Massacres, 1965-66 Dark Side of Paradise The Indonesian Genocide of 1965: Causes, Dynamics and Legacies (Palgrave Studies in the History of Genocide)  Mechanics of Mass Murder: The Army and the Indonesian Genocide  Pretext for Mass Murder Economists with Guns: Authoritarian Development and U.S.-Indonesian Relations, 1960-1968
Action Alerts Take action to support justice, human rights and other key issues for East Timor and Indonesia

Media  Releases, Statements and Articles - News, analysis, documents, links and reports from worldwide sources

Media contact: John M. Miller, National Coordinator: +1-917-690-4391 (also WhatsApp/Signal)

ETAN works with La'o Hamutuk (Institute for Reconstruction Monitoring & Analysis)

ETAN is a member of the International Federation for East Timor

ETAN supports Papuans Behind Bars

www http://www.etan.org
ETAN Issue Pages

1965/66: U.S.-Backed Suharto Takes Over

Debt and Timor-Leste

Environment and Timor

Human Rights & Justice

Indonesia and West Papua Struggles

Labor Issues

U.S. Congressional Action

East Timor Refugees

Religion and East Timor

Timor Sea, Boundaries & Oil
U.S.-Indonesia Security Assistance

Women and E Timor

Ford, Kissinger & 1975

United Nations: From the Indonesian invasion of East Timor to the U.N. administration in East Timor

West Papua Report

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ETAN is a U.S.-based grassroots organization working in solidarity with the peoples of Timor-Leste (East Timor), West Papua and Indonesia. ETAN provides information about, and ways to help, Timor-Leste, which was invaded and subjugated by U.S. ally Indonesia in 1975.  Timor-Leste finally became independent on May 20, 2002. ETAN educates, organizes, and advocates for justice for historic and ongoing crimes against humanity, war crimes, and human rights violations in East Timor, West Papua, and Indonesia. ETAN supports democratic development of Timor-Leste. ETAN supports genuine self-determination for West Papua and restrictions on secuirty assistance to Indonesia  to support democracy and justice.

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