September 2003 

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Early September 

"Victims 1975-1999 ask the Government of America to support the creation of an international tribunal.  Congratulations 227 (years since 4 July 1776)." Demonstration. Dili, East Timor. Photo by Charles Scheiner. 

ETAN: ETAN on Death of Sergio de Mello

ETAN: Indonesian Court's Final East Timor Sentence "A Joke"

Action Alert: Demand Justice for East Timor!

ETAN/IHRN: U.S. House of Representatives Reiterates "No IMET for Indonesia"

LH: Letter to UN on UNMISET's present and the UN's future in E Timor

LH Bulletin: Double issue: Timor Gap oil and Brazilian Aid to East Timor (August 2003: Bulletin Vol. 4, No. 3-4)
Support ETAN: Message from Howard Zinn

September 17 - 26
JP Letter on Aceh and East Timor
Bishop Belo's Mother Dies
E. Timor Leader Backs Quick Iraq Handover
Interview with Xanana Gusmao- Don't call me Asia's Nelson Mandela
Ships hub tip for Dili
E Timor makes debut at Asian Athletics titles
Timor's PM Under Siege

NTT police seek E. Timor militiamen case witnesses
Shooting may speed up border supervision
TNI-UN Step Up Border Security Arrangement
E. Timor police kill ex-militiamen

Local Media Monitoring - September 26, 2003
Daily Media Review 26 September 2003
Local Media Monitoring - 25 Sep 2003
Daily Media Review 25 September 2003
Local Media Monitoring - September 23, 2003
Daily Media Review 23 September 2003
Local Media Monitoring - September 22, 2003
Daily Media Review 22 September
Daily Media Review 19 September 2003

Jakarta's Final Verdict, Serious Crimes Unit and other Justice  Updates (August)
Major General Adam Damiri
General Damiri in court. He got a slap on the wrist.

ETAN: Indonesian Court's Final East Timor Sentence "A Joke"

Timor's 'Disappeared' Await Justice

Fight Against Terror Must Include Justice for East Timor
Justice for East Timor victims? Not in Indonesia

IFET: Urges UN Security Council to Create International Tribunal for East Timor

Letter: A U.N. Tribunal for East Timor

ICTJ Intended to Fail - Ad Hoc HR Court in Jakarta (PDF)

Indonesian Ad-Hoc Court (September)

Ad hoc court judges to Honolulu
Jakarta Observed- Military Misrule Alive And Well
Jakarta Rights Tribunal Buries E. Timor Atrocities
Only justice can build Dili-Jakarta relationship
Justice in Indonesia (letter)
Indonesia prosecutors appeal verdict on general in E. Timor's violence
Justice after the Timor bloodshed (editorial)

Justice System Monitoring Project: Court in Jakarta Completes Theatrical Performance*
Amnesty International: Guilty Verdict Insufficient to Deliver Justice and Truth*
Human Rights Watch: Transfer Convicted General From Aceh*
CIIR: Indonesian tribunal verdict feeds impunity*
NZGOV: East Timor tribunal has not delivered justice*
Indonesia Human Rights Committee: Sentence for War Criminal a bad joke*

*open in new window
see August, July, June, May, April, March, February updates on Indonesia Ad Hoc Court

Serious Crimes Updates

SCU: Hera Indictment Issued Charges 18 People Including two Indonesian TNI Officers
SCU: Detained East Timorese TNI Soldier Indicted for Torture and Disappearance in Liquica District in April 1999
East Timor Indicts 18 for Crimes Against Humanity
Former Indonesian soldier indicted in East Timor for crimes against humanity

Don't trade justice for peace, prosecutor pleads
JSMP: First TNI Soldier Charged with Crimes Against Humanity: Trial Starts in Dili
E. Timor Court Sentences Ex-Militia Leader To Prison
SCU: Update VII-03 5 August 2003
Two Indictments issued charging crimes in Alieu and Oecussi
E. Timor Court Jails Two Ex-Militia Leaders Over Murders
Two Militia Commanders Convicted

E Timor indicts more Indonesian military officers
SCU:Maliana Indictment Issued Charging 57
SCU: 3 Prosecutors Sworn-in To Appear At The Special Panels
E. Timor appoints more prosecutors to seek justice for 1999 crimes
Interpol joins hunt for killers

see August, July, June, May, April Serious Crimes Updates

JSMP/Asia Pacific Centre for Military Law: Symposium On Justice For International Crimes Committed in The Territory of East Timor (English --Portuguese)*

Amnesty says weak justice system in East Timor undermined rights

September 14 - 19
Dili could face security vacuum after UN pullout - Kofi Annan
Emergency Food Aid to East Timor
Bracks will open Victoria's tribute to Balibo five

Sino-East Timor Cooperative Ties Promoted
Premier proposes to promote Sino-East Timor cooperative ties
Mozambique willing to assist E Timor in defence and security
ET Minister Visits Economic Undertakings in Angola

Atambua Safe Local Military Chief Says
Indonesia to demarcate sea border with East Timor
Indonesia Wants East Timor to Address Illegal Border Trade
ET Refugees worry about reconciliation

Police in East Timor Take Over Security
E. Timor confident first ambassador from Indonesia will strengthen ties

Other Links (open in new window)

UN: Assistance for humanitarian relief, rehab & development for Timor-Leste (A/58/280)
UN: Financing of the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor - Revised budget for the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor for the period from 1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004 (A/58/192)
UN: Report of the Joint Inspection Unit entitled “Evaluation of United Nations system response in East Timor: coordination and effectiveness”  (A/58/85­E/2003/80)

Joint Statement 2nd Meeting of the Indonesia-Timor-Leste Joint Ministerial Commission for Bilateral Cooperation

Internal Security Law (unofficial translation)

IMF Concludes 2003 Article IV Consultation with the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

ICTJ Crying without Tears - Community Perspectives on Justice
JSMP: New Internal Security Act May Be Unconstitutional
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims - East Timor program
UNDP supports reconciliation in Timor-Leste

UNDP: Timor-Leste committed to internalize and adapt the Millennium Development Goals
Magsaysay Award citation for Aniceto Guterres Lopes

24 Reports from East Timor (and Indonesia) Curt Gabrielson spent two years in East Timor working on science education, as well as observing various aspects of East Timor's reconstruction. Here are links to each of his 24 monthly newsletters.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Timor-Leste website (new official website)
Official Gazette of Government of East Timor

Kissinger Watch

Local Media Monitoring - September 19, 2003
Local Media Monitoring - September 18, 2003
Daily Media Review 18 September 2003
Local Media Monitoring - September 17, 2003
Daily Media Review 17 September 2003
Local Media Monitoring - September 16, 2003
Daily Media Review 16 September 2003
Local Media Monitoring - September 15, 2003


Enjoy East Timorese Coffee!
and  Support ETAN


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  ETAN receives a donation for each pound sold. You can order from Just Coffee at:; 608-204-9011, or 100 S. Baldwin St, Suite 303, Madison, WI 53703.

Early September

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